International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024: It can heal wounded Ecuador

International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024: It can heal wounded Ecuador

Father Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of the International Eucharistic Congress of Quito 2024, pointed out that this event, which will take place from September 8 to 15 in that city, will be an opportunity to heal “a wounded Ecuador.”

“The theme of the congress Fraternity to heal the world It is an opportunity to offer the Ecuadorian people that we unite in brotherhood to heal a society, a wounded Ecuador,” said the priest in an interview with ACI Prensa and EWTN Noticias on January 18.

“As organizers of the congress, with the help of God, we have met with the Archbishop of Quito, Bishop Alfredo José Espinoza, and we have spoken about this issue. Of course, the internal war affects our international image as a country, but at the same time we discover hope and enthusiasm in people,” the priest continued.

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