Inaugurated Jubilee in memory of Saint Pelagius, a child martyr who rejected homosexual relationships

Inaugurated Jubilee in memory of Saint Pelagius, a child martyr who rejected homosexual relationships

The Bishop of Córdoba (Spain), Bishop Demetrio Fernández, opened this Wednesday the Holy Door of the Jubilee on the occasion of the 1,100th anniversary of the martyrdom, in 925, of Saint Pelagius, a boy who refused to have homosexual relations with the caliph of which he was a prisoner.

From today until June 26, 2025, the Apostolic Penitentiary granted a Jubilee Year in which plenary indulgence can be enjoyed and which has been inaugurated with the celebration of the Eucharist according to the Hispano-Mozarabic rite in the chapel of the Major Seminary of this diocese, named after the young martyr.

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Mons. Demetrio Fernández opens the Holy Door of the Jubilee of San Pelagius.  Credit: Bishopric of Córdoba (Spain).
Mons. Demetrio Fernández opens the Holy Door of the Jubilee of San Pelagius. Credit: Bishopric of Córdoba (Spain).

Bishop Fernández recalled that the seminary is built in the place “where Saint Pelagius gave the supreme testimony of love for Jesus Christ and suffered martyrdom, being dismembered alive.”

During his homily, the prelate pointed out that the Holy Year “is a demand for all priests and faithful and the opening of the Holy Door is the Heart of Christ opened wide.”

Saint Pelagius was a boy who was educated with his uncle Hermogio, Bishop of Tuy, in northern Spain, who was captured by the Caliph of Córdoba and transferred to the prison of the Andalusian city.

Due to the misgovernance of the diocese due to the absence of their pastor, some parishioners decide to go to Córdoba. In that delegation was Pelagius, who was about 10 years old, but whose mature faith led him to offer himself as a hostage in exchange for his uncle, the bishop.

A few years later, Caliph Abd al-Rahman III makes repeated homosexual proposals to the boy, who does not give in because he wants to maintain the virtue of chastity. Mons. Fernández explained that “faith in Saint Pelagius grew and was strengthened despite the adversities, despite the Caliph’s proposals to give him a better life in exchange for surrendering to him. Saint Pelagius was always clear that he belonged to Jesus Christ.”

The young man’s refusal angered Abd al-Rahman III, who ordered him to be dismembered alive. They tore off his arms and legs and threw his head into the Guadalquivir River.

The prelate has detailed that chastity “is a virtue that springs from the Lord” and the testimony of the boy Pelagius “stimulated the Christian life of all communities.”

Where you can win the Jubilee of Saint Pelagius

To win the jubilee on the occasion of the 1,100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Pelagius, it is necessary to visit one of the jubilee temples (Major Seminary, Minor Seminary, parish of Saint Pelagius the Martyr and the Cathedral), pray the Creed and confess – either on the same day or on the days immediately before or after—and take communion.

Throughout the Holy Year, the Diocese of Córdoba will develop various cycles of conferences and talks around the figure of Saint Pelagius, spreading the virtues of this 10th century martyr.

In addition, a documentary is being prepared that can be distributed among seminarians, priests and faithful of all conditions.

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