in July it increased almost 20% compared to June

Insecurity is already a recurring theme and its rates are increasingly higher. According to the recent report published by the vehicle recovery company Ituran, car theft in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) increased almost 20% in July compared to the previous month.

The trend continues to rise and continues with the events recorded in the first semester, which grew by 23% regarding the first half of 2023.

The “Vehicle Theft Indicator” (IRV) reveals that the modality armed hand prevails over theft, representing 73.73% and 26.27% respectively.

The company also highlights that almost all of the episodes (97%) continue to occur on public roads, and that in 48.84% of the cases they are carried out by two criminals.

Private cars are the most sought after target for criminals. Photo: Juan José García

Although the report emphasizes violent robbery, another modality used by criminals is through signal inhibitors that block remote door closing, so it is vital to make sure the car is locked before driving away.

According to the IRV, the targeted target continues to be the private carsconcentrating 51.69% of the cases; followed by pickups (21.19%), utility vehicles (16.95%), trucks (5.93%) and motorcycles (4.24%).

The most unsafe days and times

The Ituran Command and Control Center survey also measures robberies per day, with the Wednesday (18.64%) the one with the highest criminal activity. Tuesday and Saturday complete the insecurity podium with 16.95% and 16.10% of the events respectively.

The list is completed with Thursday and Friday, both with the same percentage (14.41%), followed by Monday (13.56%). Sunday, for its part, is the day with the fewest robberies recorded (5.93%).

In the first half of the year, car thefts increased by 23% compared to 2023. In the first half of the year, car thefts increased by 23% compared to 2023.

Likewise, the most unsafe areas remain the same. West Zone It is positioned as the most unsafe with 53.39% of cases, which showed a 13% increase in accidents compared to the previous month.

In second place is Zona Surwith 24.58%, while in third place appears the City of Buenos Aireswith 12.71%. For its part, North Zone It continues to be the district with the lowest number of robberies (only 9.32% of cases).

In the same sense, the time slot chosen by the criminals turned out to be, once again, of 18 a 24hs with 36.44% of thefts. The next range was from 12:00 to 18:00, with 24.58% and, finally, from 00:00 to 06:00 and 06:00 to 12:00 with the same percentage of 19. .49%.

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