“In a pandemic I threw my cards in my cap”

María Abadi is in a great personal and professional moment. She can be seen in The manager 2, Guillermo Francella’s series, on Star +, and on the other hand, she wears Roxane’s suit in the classic Cyrano in San Martin.

The actress, from a family of psychoanalysts, chatted with VIVA where she also told why she decided to study astrology and reveals aspects of her personal life.

-In the series The Manager 2 You play a neighbor who controls the consortium’s expenses. In life, are you aware of expenses?

-Zero, I’m a disaster! I always make the same joke to my accountant: ‘You don’t understand how I got here.’ She can explain the same thing to me a thousand times and I don’t understand.

– You come from a family of psychoanalysts and you are an astrologer, is this an act of rebellion?

-(Laughter) Just the other day I was talking about this with my aunt and she told me that at home magical thinking was totally prohibitedeither. Let’s see: from an objective point of view, yes, it could have been a rebellion. Then I think about how I use astrology and it ends up being like a family mandate, because of my perspective and way of approaching it.. I’m like a kind of therapist, bridging the gap.

Motherhood seems like a two-person plan to me. She wouldn’t be a single mother.

Maria AbadiActress and astrologer

-How does your day start?

-I get up early. Now not so much because I’m doing Cyrano, in San Martin. But I like the morning. I would tell you that it is my most optimistic moment. The first thing I do is prepare the mate. Then I take vitamin C and eat fruit. I spend some time on the computer and do Pilates or gymnastics.

-I am very good at listening.

-Any cosmetic surgery?

-None and I didn’t get botox either. I don’t judge who does it. I understand how difficult it is to avoid it, because women have more demands regarding not aging than men. When you are an actress you are more exposed. If I had something done, I would try to do it as late as possible. Likewise, when I see an actress with a lot of botox it seems to me that she loses mystery. In my case, I am not interested in beauty. I would like to be more “obse”. I had a very flirtatious mother and I think I was rebellious to that coquetry. Yes, I put the cream on at night. But I don’t live a super healthy life, I’m a smoker.

-What disconnects you from everything?

-My social life. I have many friends and I really like to hang out with them, have a beer, a wine or go out to eat. I feed my social life a lot. At the same time, I try to go down by lighting a candle and meditating. But I’m anxious.

Guillermo Francella and María Abadi in a scene from The Manager 2. Photo: Star +.

-Your mother died when you were 22 years old, how did you cope?

-The first months were tremendous, very disconcerting. Mom died in 2008, suddenly, and it was a shock. A super sad moment. She had never experienced such a traumatic situation. We were a pretty happy family: parents who loved each other, we are three sisters. But despite how painful the situation was, I had a father who was super present. My old man (the renowned psychoanalyst José Eduardo Abadi) has a very affectionate thing and was there for us.

-Have a house in the mountains, in the mountains of Córdoba, for example.

-How did you get into astrology?

-I was always interested. I met up with a high school classmate on Facebook who was an astrologer. I consulted him and he hit the nail on the head with two things about my life. I started doing the astrological chart and the solar return with him. Then I took a course as a hobby and recovered. I ended up studying at Casa XI. The last year of the race was 2020, pandemic. I couldn’t work as an actress and some friends invited me to do a column on a radio program. It came up to make letters to the cap. He also exchanged them for fruits and vegetables, for example. That’s how I gained confidence. Already with the title, I continued and it exploded when I started going to Sebas Wainraich’s radio program, with whom I had recorded Almost happy. Now I charge them… Astrology gave me a lot of independence. I even get along much better with my role as an actress since I’ve been an astrologer.. Because I don’t put so much weight or so much pressure on it to have to be the only thing and the support of everything.

As a girl, I was afraid of not being able to make a living from my profession, of not being successful. Today, it doesn’t happen to me.

Maria AbadiActress and astrologer

-How do you experience the castings?

-I like to cast. In fact, perhaps because of my own neurosis or insecurity, I like when they choose me through a casting. I feel that the casting legitimizes. And I am a warrior when doing them. For The one in chargeFor example, I had a great time. In fact, I’m going to tell you a story. I am Nico Francella’s neighbor in real life. We have lived in the same building for 10 years. and we have the best vibe. I ran into him after doing the test and he told me: “Dolda, I was watching your casting because I was with my old man. And it was really good.” And she gave it. I really enjoyed filming the series. Working with Guillermo (Francella) and Puma (Goity) was great, they are great actors.

-Have you ever analyzed yourself?

-Yes, at eleven I started therapy. I asked for it because I wanted to do what my sisters did and what everyone did, which was psychoanalyze themselves. I have very fond memories of my childhood therapy because we played. She is the person who helped me play chess.

El Puma Goity and María Abadi, in Cyrano.  Photo: Carlos Furman.El Puma Goity and María Abadi, in Cyrano. Photo: Carlos Furman.

-Alone. I had two cats that died. He was quite traumatic. I was very sad and I needed to grieve. And now I adopted another one. I love cats.

-Is being a mother a challenge?

-I never had the desire to say: “Now.” I recently broke up and for the first time in my life I’m in “I need to be alone” mode. I felt like I had hit a limit. If you asked me now, I would say: “Yes, I would be a mother in four or five years.” What happens to me is that I’m 38. Anyway, I confess, I froze eggs. Anyway, motherhood seems like a two-person plan to me. She wouldn’t be a mother alone. In fact, she wouldn’t even be with anyone. You cannot live all experiences. I trust in the path of life. I have nephews that I love.

-You debuted in theater with Cyranoa classic, how are you holding it?

-Happy, it was a total challenge. When I was doing The Manager, the puma told me that he was going to do Cyrano de Bergerac at the San Martin. He asked me if I was interested in playing Roxane. And in December they call me to audition. The previous one was intense, but I learned a lot. We are in the Coronado room of the San Martín Theater and It is a popular work that people really like.. They applaud standing. We are 24 actors on stage. The scenery and costumes are incredible. We will be there until July 27. On the other hand I hope it comes out Medusaa Paramount series and I also traveled to Colombia to make The queen of the south 3.

-I have one linked to astrology and communication. It’s a book. It would be my look at a lot of things like Greek mythology.

María Abadi loves cats.  Photo: Ariel GrinbergMaría Abadi loves cats. Photo: Ariel Grinberg

-What are you afraid of?

-To pain. To not find a way around it and get depressed or immobilized. As a girl, I was afraid of not being able to make a living from my profession, of not being successful. Today, it doesn’t happen to me. I feel good about myself. It was a strong personal work. I feel like I’m in a pretty similar place to where I want to be. I like my life.

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