Image of the Virgin of Lourdes turns 160 years old in the grotto of her sanctuary

Image of the Virgin of Lourdes turns 160 years old in the grotto of her sanctuary

Nor did it satisfy the expectations of Father Dominique Peyramale, parish priest of Lourdes at the time of the apparitions: “The face does not seem young enough nor smiling enough.”

The sculptor tried to recompose his sketch and transfer it to marble: “On March 31, 1864, the statue arrived at the presbytery of Lourdes and Bernadette was called,” details the Sanctuary’s website.

“The Carrara marble was taken out of the box filled with straw,” the story continues, “in the presence of Father Peyramale and Father Ollivier: ‘Is it okay like this?’ asked the latter. The young woman tried to nod, as if out of politeness, but she corrected herself and said emphatically: ‘No, it’s not like that!’ Later, she added: ‘Besides, it can’t be done like before.’”

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