Image of the Virgin of Lourdes amazes everyone: It is not there but it can be seen

Image of the Virgin of Lourdes amazes everyone: It is not there but it can be seen

At the Mass he presided there on February 11, 2023on the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, Cardinal Ángel Sixto Rossi, Archbishop of Córdoba, pointed out that “the experience of weakness and illness are part of our path, they do not exclude us from the people of God, but rather they They bring us to the center of attention of the Lord, who is a Father and does not want to lose any of his children along the way.”

This Saturday, February 10 and Sunday, February 11, 2024, the faithful will participate in the 47th edition of the pilgrimage to the Virgin of Lourdes, leaving tonight at 9:00 p.m. (local time) from the Plaza de las Américas in Córdoba , to arrive around 5:30 the next day at the sanctuary.

On Sunday the 11th there will be Mass at midnight, the Rosary of Dawn will be prayed at 5:30, and then there will be Mass at 6:00, for the pilgrims, at 9:00 for the communities and movements, at 11 :00 for families, and at 18:00 for the sick.

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