Nazareno Casero is happy. The actor returned to the theater where he stars wild gardens, a very funny comedy, alongside Carlos Portaluppi, Mica Vazquez and Vivi Puerta at the Multitabaris Comafi. Friendly and sincere, Casero chatted with VIVA about work, self-demand, love and politics.
-You turned 38, did you have any age crisis?
-The 30 caught my attention because of the number. But I actually feel better than I did 15 years ago. I am not going to tell you that I am more mature because the passage of time does not necessarily mean an evolution in people. But it does happen to me that when I make a racconto I say: “Stop, I experienced a lot of things, I traveled a lot, I met people, I lived them, I grew up.”
– You are starring in Wild Gardens at the Multiteatro Comafi. Why didn’t you do so much theater?
– I haven’t done theater since 2017. Due to scheduling issues, more than anything. I did two series, Helpless y The boxer’s rulesfilmed there Mirrored. Theater requires time and space. It’s a great workout and it gets you sorted. I tend to escape routine and order, but it is also necessary. Currently, for example, I finish the show, go home quickly, change and go to the gym. Afterwards, dinner at home and after a while, sleep. It’s looking for a way back.
– I read that you have an airplane pilot’s license, how is that?
– Not yet. I started the course and I have to go back to it. I have liked aviation since I was a child. My idea is to have the possibility of flying, renting a plane and going around. I have a nautical driver’s license and I want to get a helmsman’s license.
– You are living together, are you easy on a daily basis?
– (Laughs) No, but we get along great. We fight over stupid things. Her name is Carolina Puntonet. She is a dancer and also acts and sings. We can have friction or I can get into trouble, but I can get in and out of anger and joy easily. Now I am understanding that perhaps the other person has other times. That he told me: ‘Don’t make my balls swell today’ and I forgot why. That’s why I say I’m not easy. But I try not to screw around and not get screwed over. There is also a certain maturation, I am much less crazy than 15 years ago. Before I took things with more drama.
– You played Maradona in the series Maradona, blessed dream, what did it feel like to embody it?
– Very scary, because it is a great challenge to make him. Fear of not measuring up and failing those who love him. And a lot of responsibility. He is a very interesting character.
I am never satisfied with my job… I am very self-critical.
– First thing you do in the morning?
– Receive pampering from Rulo, our dog, and the cat. They come to wake us up in bed with joy.
– Do you tend to be satisfied with your job?
-I am never satisfied with my job. I could always add something else. Because? Oops, we’re getting into something very psychological, but I think it’s a question of desert. As always, believing that I can do more. It was good, but I still gave myself a belt. Something like that. I am very self-critical.
– Your place in the world?
-Field. We have land in the province of San Luis, where the family home is. There is also the project of building and going to live there. I want to do it shortly, fully. There is a lot to do and it is a lot of fun. I like agricultural work, planting trees, milking a cow. I want to build my house from scratch.

– To criticize Milei now, it is easy for me because it is what everyone is waiting for and everyone is going to hit him, whether he deserves it or not. Let’s see: what happened with Alberto Fernández seems like an antics to me. It was four years of chaos. The problem is not something new. The situation that has been going on for a long time is very difficult and we do not deserve it. It worries me that for years we have been fighting for this country to move forward, when you see that in the world with one hectare they do business. Here we are fighting over ideological issues when in reality what we have to do is work, produce, generate money and generate wealth..
– Do you remember any special anecdotes from your childhood?
– I was eight years old and we went with my old man (the actor, Alfredo Casero) in a rescue boat, with a tiny engine, from Madryn to Puerto Pirámides, which is a hundred or so kilometers by land. We left in the morning and arrived in the afternoon. People asked us: “Is this what they came for? They are crazy”. On another trip, a school of jellyfish appeared. The engine was stuck. I remember that that day I felt the immensity of nature. I had a childhood full of craziness. Very adventurous.
– A pending account?
– I come quite a day. I have always done what I wanted. Maybe the children. We are talking about it with Caro. She has to relegate her career a little, because she is the one who ultimately has to put her body into it, literally. We are looking for the moment. The world is a mess, but I think it is necessary to bring children into the world.
One thing could be the children. We are talking about it with Caro…
– Is it true that you ate snakes and cockroaches when you went on a trip to Cambodia?
-Yes, and I ate scorpion and worms in China. I also tried jellyfish and a type of lizard. It’s not like I’m going to grab a walking bug and eat it. But if someone cooks it, I’ll try it. There is a culture.
– Be located. I try not to talk about what I don’t know and not to go where I’m not called. I try not to bother. I am respectful.
– I am temperamental and sometimes I make decisions in the heat of the moment. And I don’t mean anger, but rather I get excited about something I like and I put a lot into it. Afterwards, perhaps, I think it could have been more lashing, I could have hidden my cards a little more. It has to do with the relationship with the other. Sometimes I’m too transparent.

-Failing the people I love and disappointing those who believe and trust in me.
-What would you like to change about yourself?
– self-criticism. I’m working on lowering it a bit. I do traditional therapy, but I am not closed to astrology or other alternatives. They are tools and that’s fine.
-A word or phrase that defines you?
– I’ll tell you one word, but you have to say: ‘Laughter’. Gallardo, means having guts (Laughter).
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