The parish priest of Medjugorje, Fray Zvonimir Pavicic, hosts the recent Vatican recognition of the spiritual phenomenon as a call to spread it. To the skeptics, he tells them: “We never discuss Medjugorje, but I tell everyone: come and see.”
The Franciscan is this week in Spain on the occasion of the XV Ibero -American Congress of the Queen of Peace organized by the Centro Medjugorje Foundation under the motto Pilgrims of hope by the Queen of Peace.
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In a brief recess within the busy schedule of the encounter, the religious stops a few minutes to serve ACI Press.
What does it mean to be a priest and pastor in Medjugorje and what is the particular grace he has found there?
Being a parish priest in Medjugorje is very demanding, because you are at the same time, the pastor, the rector and the guardian. Because the three duties are not yet separated and the pastor is the one who does everything.
As a parish priest, I take care of the parishioners and everything that a life of the parish entails. But also the pastor is responsible for all the pilgrims who come. Although it is a very difficult and demanding task, at the same time it is very beautiful, because one meets people who come to meet God and who want to live with Mary, and that facilitates you work. And I have to underline that I am not alone there, but that the Franciscan brothers are and that they facilitate all the work.
The grace that I have discovered in Medjugorje is precisely the grace of the priestly vocation. What the priest means for the Church, how much people need priests, how much they seek him and, in reality through him, they seek the grace of God. And that in Medjugorje I discover it more and more.
What has the recognition of Rome of Medjugorje as a place of extraordinary grace and what does it contribute to its church?
Before recognition of nothing stands Medjugorje contributed a lot to the church. He contributed the converted people, the faithful converted. And those people, in turn, prayed for others, turned others, moved people to prayer in their cities. So Medjugorje is a gift for the church. And the Church has recognized it.
And with him nothing stands He has opened the doors to Medjugorje and also to all those who want to go to Medjugorje. He has recognized the spirituality of Medjugorje as healthy and that can help the church in the world today. And that is why in the statement it is to proclaim in the Church this spirituality.
So that the greatest number of people listen to this spirituality and that, by the grace of God, the greatest possible number of people becomes. And it would conclude that Medjugorje was, is and will be a gift for the Church.

You are Franciscan. San Francisco received the order of the Lord to repair the Church in the Porciúncula. What fruits of these 44 years is giving medjugorje for the repair and building of the Church?
It is the same task. How did San Francisco renew the Church? With a holy life. With prayer. Living in the Church. Not criticizing either the Pope, or the bishops, or the priests. And at that time he had to criticize them!
But he loved the church and lived in it. And that is the true reform of the Church. And that is what Medjugorje does today. We were always inside the Church and for the Church. We were waiting for him nothing stands and we continue to serve the church humbly.
Because we have not created ourselves. We say that God has granted us this grace and we only collaborate with her: for the Church and in the Church.
Many priests experience a deep renovation of their ministry when they go to Medjugorje. What do you think the experience contributes to the experience?
It is the grace of God. It cannot simply be described. It cannot be described, because it would not be divine if it could be described. But God acts in Medjugorje. And that is very visible in each priest and in each faithful that goes to Medjugorje. I think it is not necessary to describe it, but to live it.
And not only in Medjugorje, but in any other parish. Medjugorje is only an image and the model of how any other parish should be. Any parish should offer God to men. And the opportunity to confess, to pray the rosary, the Eucharist, the worship and many other devotions. Everything is very simple and in all that God acts. And that is what priests discover in medjugorje. Actually, they discover that God hides in simplicity.
What tells those who have reluctance, those who even look suspected, the phenomenon of Medjugorje, who do not feel called to that place?
I would not say anything. I never argue with people about Medjugorje. Who believes, keep believing. Who does not believe, to live with it. God, reaches each person in different ways. He has played millions through Medjugorje through the blessed Virgin Mary. To others, it has touched through something else.
The spirit blows where he wants and how he wants. We never argue about Medjugorje. But I tell everyone: come and see. Only the one that comes to Medjugorje and participates in the evening program in the parish, will conclude and take a judgment on medjugorje.