How was the first night of the Vélez players who were arrested for sexual abuse in Tucumán

How was the first night of the Vélez players who were arrested for sexual abuse in Tucumán

The Vélez players Sebastian Sosa, Braian Cufre, Abiel Osorio and Jose Ignacio Florentin Bobadilla They are detained in the case of aggravated sexual abuse against a 24-year-old girl and, due to the procedural code of Tucumán, until the judge makes the decision (it will be on Wednesday) whether or not they can continue the process in freedom, they will all continue under arrest. The news hit hard both the footballers and their families, who came to this province to accompany them. And although they were hoping that “the nightmare” would be over on Monday, They never imagined that they would end up occupying a place in the Tucumán dungeons.

What’s more, the four of them were so confident that they even decided to get air tickets to return to Buenos Aires on Tuesday. The same thing happened with those close to him. However, The relatives themselves said that, upon learning that they would be detained, they decided to remain in Tucumán until the procedural situation of those involved is resolved. Thus, Sosa, Cufré, Osorio and Florentín went from a hotel room to occupy a place in a dungeon in this province.

Several hours after inspector María Eugenia Posse decided to apprehend them, the soccer players were transferred to the former Investigation Brigade, headquarters located in Junín at 800 of this capital, which marked the beginning of a new reality for them. Uncertainty and confusion reigned in their minds while they were subjected to genetic testing. While they were waiting for the results, they received another blow: the leaders of Vélez decided to suspend their contract, anticipating a possible termination of their employment ties.

How was the location decided? According to information provided by the newspaper La Gaceta de Tucumán, prosecutor Posse ordered that the Personal Security officers take charge of the accommodation in a police station. At first it was speculated that they could be housed in different sections, but finally it was decided that the four of them would be together in the same place, where they spent their first night. They claim that the headquarters of the former Brigade has some dungeons where they could be better guarded. “It’s not about comfort, but rather they are people who are not used to being imprisoned”a police source told that Tucumán media.

The defenses of the four players, meanwhile, wait until Wednesday (it was confirmed that the hearing will be at 1:30 p.m. and the judge will be Eliana Gómez Moreira). They affirm that they have sufficient reasons to believe that after the hearing with the judge, their clients will be released. For this, they argue that they handed over the cell phones of their own free will, that they agreed to undergo DNA tests, that they handed over their documents to resolve any doubts about a possible escape and that they even undertake, if necessary, to establish a domicile in Tucumán.

Sebastián Sosa, Braian Cufré, Abiel Osorio and José Ignacio Florentín, the four Vélez players reported for abuse.

Furthermore, for the defenses, the evidence is not conclusive. They passed that optimism on to those close to the footballers to such an extent that they asked them if they wanted to book tickets for Wednesday night. Thus, in the midst of this whirlwind of events, uncertainty hangs over the fate of the four Vélez players and the result of Wednesday’s hearing.

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