How to refute false ideas about Mary Magdalene?

“I would invite you to know it better, to read and meditate on what the Gospel says,” he adds.

“If we strictly adhere to what the gospels mention, Mary Magdalene appears 12 times, once in Galilee following Jesus as a disciple” and as part of what the priest considers “the first group of volunteers of the Gospel. People who for love to Christ, out of gratitude, for having given him some favor, some healing or something, they follow him, he serves him, they accompany him, they even finance his activity.

Father Solana laments that “many mistakenly think that these women were the ones who washed clothes, cooked for the apostles and Jesus Christ. I am sure that they helped him in his mission. That is, they repeated the parables, the teachings of Jesus, they They explained to the people, they brought Jesus closer to the sick, they brought order to the crowds.


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