how to demand that they be fulfilled during the purchase

When a person begins the search for their next car 0 kmyou will find different purchase options with attractive financing or significant discounts.

In order to make a good decision, it is important to keep in mind that the entire operation should be written down in a document on letterhead and signed by someone responsible. This is essential when enforcing any bonus or discount throughout the contract.

Therefore, the first suggestion is to get always clear information on the type of contract that is going to be signed. This is essential to know if we are dealing with a loan or bank financing, a savings plan or a cash purchase.

In each of the three options, it will be necessary to analyze what bonuses are offered, who will be responsible for fulfilling them, what obligations are assumed and if there are conditions for their validation.

To know exactly the bonus(es) offered, it is necessary to have the document that details whether it is a discount on the final price or on the registration costs, or if it is the incorporation of accessories in the vehicle or in the after-sale. . It is important to clarify that, in case of non-compliance, It is not enough to have a message Whatsappit will be necessary to have some other document that complements the information that was offered at the time.

It is always better in writing

The key is to have a document that endorses the conditions of the operation.

It is also important to know who must fulfill the bonus. For this we will have to see the type of contract and what was agreed upon. For example, if we are talking about discounts on installments, it could be the bank that issued the collateral loan or the administrator of the savings plan.

Or if it is the patenting costs, the dealer may have offered it. In this case, too, we will have to see the document that was signed at the time of hiring to determine who to complain to if the agreement is not met.

To know precisely what is rewarded and who is responsible for its compliance, the suggestion is that everything is recorded in a documentthat is why it is advisable to request a budget for the operation along with all the bonuses and their limitations in writing.

You must also know the limitations that exist when demanding compliance with a bonus.You must also know the limitations that exist when demanding compliance with a bonus.

This can be required of the seller, because this is determined by the Consumer Protection Law and the National Civil and Commercial Code. In the cases of savings plans, this is also established by the resolutions of the General Inspection of Justice. If someone grants a bonus then they must be responsible for its compliance. This is why it is essential to know who you are and who you work for.

Finally, it is important to know from the beginning if there are limitations when demanding compliance with a bonus. For example, in the different types of financing it is necessary to see if installment advances can be made or not, because in some contracts this is decisive as a condition for whether or not the last installments are subsidized.

For all this, it is essential to have a written document prior to contracting to be able to calmly evaluate all the options and ensure that no doubts arise, nor can the conditions that led to the decision of a certain 0 km or the type of financing be modified.

It is made clear that the specific case must always be evaluated and this note does not imply advice on the specific situation but rather general guidelines.

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