how to avoid possible scams when paying or challenging them

how to avoid possible scams when paying or challenging them

Las traffic fines They are imposed by different jurisdictions and, many times, the driver or owner of the vehicle is not aware when they are committed.

There are more and more electronic devices for traffic control, so the delivery of the fine at the time prepared by the traffic agent is already an exception.

In cases where the vehicle owner receives a notification about a violation, he must verify its authenticity. Links, emails and even images to scan are usually sent that may not be true and may be some type of virtual scam that the user ends up paying without it being his or her responsibility.

The way to verify the authenticity of the fine is by entering the website of the locality from which the violation is sent and searching by document or domain if there are related records. If this is confirmed, then the QR codes can be downloaded or scanned safely.

From here there are two paths. One is to evaluate pay it (in some jurisdictions they even offer significant discounts). But if it is considered that the record does not have the necessary requirements to be valid or that the infraction did not occur, it may be challenge within the period established in the notification of the fine.

What must be taken into account is that if the request for annulment or questioning is presented, in general, The offered bonus cannot be paid later. This occurs because the discounts are offered by voluntary payments which assume that there was no questioning by the offender.

In jurisdictions where it is not possible to enter a website to verify authenticity, the Misdemeanor Court of that locality to send the violation report or report on its authenticity.

It could also happen that these are violations related to a vehicle that has already been sold to another person. In these cases, you must contact the Misdemeanor Court to present the notice of the transfer of the vehicle or the complaint of sale.

For all cases in which notifications of fines are received, it is important to first verify their existence by entering the virtual portals of the jurisdiction or by contacting the Misdemeanor Court that supposedly sent the notification.

In the event that it is a truthful report, it will be necessary to determine whether the voluntary payment will be made or a challenge will be presented due to the non-existence of the violation or sale of the vehicle or some other reason that allows the aforementioned report to be questioned.

It is made clear that the specific case must always be evaluated and this note does not imply advice on the specific situation but rather general guidelines.

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