How the program works to travel and work in the United States and how much you can earn

It is estimated that approximately 5.000 young argentines They traveled to the United States between December 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 within the framework of the program Work and Travel (work and travel).

The initiative is promoted by the american embassy with the aim of promoting cultural exchange, making customs visible and encouraging the practice of the English language.

This is an extremely attractive proposal, especially for those seeking to make an economic difference with a salary in dollars and have time to discover new destinations.

Let’s see how it can be applied, what it can work with, how much it costs and what other countries have similar initiatives.

What is the Work and Travel program

It is a special program that allows young people from all over the world to work in the United States of December to April.

Vail is one of the most chosen destinations for Work and Travel. Photo Shutterstock.

“Work and Travel USA is intended for all those university or tertiary students who are studying in person, full-time and demonstrating progress in their career, who have between 18 and 28 years and have an intermediate or advanced level of English,” says Jimena Weis, director of The moonone of the Argentine companies authorized to sell this experience.

According to the embassy website, the study method must be in-person or hybrid, can’t be virtual. Students in the CBC (common basic cycle) also qualify as regular students.

How and when to apply for the Work and Travel program

To apply, you must contact one of the agencies that have approval from the Department of State to offer this service. The complete list of those authorized can be found on the US embassy website.

“All kids who want to participate in the program must sign up for a mandatory informative talk in which we explain all the objectives and requirements of the program,” says Weis.

After that first talk, a English interview to evaluate the candidate’s level. Afterwards, “we contact them with US employers so they can have a job interview. Once hired and with the offer in hand, they apply for the J1 visa.”

Most of Park City's seasonal employees are Argentinian.  Photo Deer Valley Resort.Most of Park City’s seasonal employees are Argentinian. Photo Deer Valley Resort.

Registration to travel in December begins in February. The quotas are limited and they fill up fast.

What documentation is needed to participate in Work and Travel

“In the first instance they have to present the passport and one university letter and later, apply for the J1 visa through the documentation we issue from the United States,” Weis clarifies.

The embassy explains that before applying for this visa, the interested party must have been accepted into an authorized program. This is proven by obtaining the DS-2019 form.

Many of the temporary jobs are in ski resorts.  Photo Shutterstock.Many of the temporary jobs are in ski resorts. Photo Shutterstock.

Additionally, the student must be registered in the Information System for Students and Beneficiaries of Exchange Programs (SELF). The agency does the registration and the student pays the registration fee.

Once accepted, the applicant must follow the steps of the regular visa application process.

How much does Work and Travel cost?

“Every year it changes and the cost also varies depending on the time of registration. This year, to date, it is US$ 2.400further US$ 50 of the interview in English.”

To this we must add US$ 185 for the J1 visa, US$ 35 for the SEVIS and the air ticket.

There are also possibilities of requesting financial aid. Until the April 30th Registration is open for Ambassador Scholarship – Summer Work Travelwhich is funded by the United States Department of State.

The scholarship covers all tariffs of the program, round trip tickets to the US, visa, SEVIS fee and health insurance during the program.

Destinations, jobs and salaries

There is hiring in much of the United States. The majority of Argentines choose winter destinations such as Vail, Park City, Lake Tahoe, but there are also options in San Francisco or Hawaii, for example.

Los jobs are varied: in hotels, ski centers, supermarkets, food businesses, clothing stores, etc. There are positions that allow more interaction with the customer and others less.

San Francisco has job offers for students. San Francisco has job offers for students.

“In this last season the average salaries were between US$ 8 y US$ 20 per hour. The number of hours per week varies depending on the tourist influx, there is no guaranteed minimum or maximum, but they are usually between 30 and 40 hours per week,” explains Weis.

Although a significant investment is required, a large part or all of these expenses are generally recovered, everything will depend on the type of employment and the number of hours worked.

Furthermore, those who get jobs where it is left bribeusually make a greater economic difference.

Other programs in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada

One program that is offered in the United States – and that is accessed with agencies like Watar – is the Summer Camp USAto work for 2 to 3 months (June, July and August), leading recreational, sports or artistic activities in summer camps in that country.

It is intended for people between 18 to 26 years with intermediate or advanced English and who enjoy working with children. The agency must be paid US$600 plus US$50 for the interview in English.

In this case, the average salary is US$2,000 per season. Food and lodging are included.

View to the Opera House in Sydney, Australia.  Photo Saeed Khan / AFP. View to the Opera House in Sydney, Australia. Photo Saeed Khan / AFP.

The other option is Au Pair USA. He proposes to live for a year in the house of a american family babysitting. It is also intended for people between 18 and 26 years old. The program costs US$600 plus US$50 for the interview in English; visa and tickets not included. Weekly salary is US$225. Food and lodging are included.

Australia is attracting a large number of young Argentines with its program Working Holiday. It is a visa that allows you to work, study and stay for up to 12 months.

To obtain it you must have at least 18 years old and not yet 31 years old At the time of applying, have tertiary studies or have completed at least two years of university degree studies in the same career and have a good level of English.

New Zealand welcomes Argentines between 18 and 35 years old.  Photo Shutterstock.New Zealand welcomes Argentines between 18 and 35 years old. Photo Shutterstock.

It must also be demonstrated underfunded for the first part of the stay, at least AUD$5,000 (US$3,285), and money for the return ticket.

New Zealand It has a very similar program. Argentines between 18 and 35 years old can apply. This permit enables them to stay for 12 months, have temporary jobs and study courses of up to 6 months.

Application for these visas opens in September.

Canada It is another of the countries where you can have the experience of living abroad with a visa Work and Study. This permit is for those who have been admitted to any course of at least 24 weeks in one of the institutions authorized by the government for this program.

Additionally, applicants are allowed to work and reside for up to one year with possibilities to renew.

Applicants will be eligible as long as they can demonstrate that they have enough money to pay fees, living expenses in Canada and transportation back to your country of origin.

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