How much will the club have to pay to be able to go to the winter market?

How much will the club have to pay to be able to go to the winter market?

Economic problems once again dominate the scene in San Lorenzo today. The fact is that due to the non-payment of the debts carried over from the past administration, the debts are accumulating. inhibitions that tie the club hand and foot for the upcoming transfer market.

How many are there and how much will Ciclón have to pay to be able to lift them and thus incorporate them into the winter pass book? At the moment they are four the inhibitions that fell and that will have to be lifted no matter what.

The second installment due for the pass of Adam Bareiro is the largest since Monterrey of Mexico is owed 600 thousand dollars. In any case, the current leadership indicates that in this specific case a quick solution is on the way.

But there is more. Diego Rodriguez He claims, for his part, 490 thousand dollars for another non-payment. And, in turn, the Xolos of Tijuana inhibited due to an outstanding debt of 160 thousand dollars from the Torito pass.

Finally, the Ferencváros of Hungary demands payment of 140 thousand dollars for having freed Carlos Auzqui. It is a minor debt taking into account the figures from the world of football, but it was not paid anyway, creating a short circuit with a potential purchasing club. In this aspect, the intervention of agent Juan Cruz Oller will be key, to mediate between clubs. Oller had also been the key to reaching contact with Gabriel Heinze when looking for a coach.

In total, then, the amount rises to 1,390,000 dollars. San Lorenzo will have to resolve each of these inhibitions to unblock the situation and be able to add reinforcements in the market that opens in June

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