Holy Week: Exorcist analyzes the role of Satan in the Passion of Christ

Holy Week: Exorcist analyzes the role of Satan in the Passion of Christ

In a publication made in X (formerly Twitter) titled Satan in the Passion of ChristFather Hayen pointed out that “To those who deny the existence of Satan as a personal being, we must tell them that the Passion of Christ cannot be understood without the existence and mobilization of the devil, a fallen angel, perverted and perverted, enemy of God.”

“Jesus attributes the plots behind his death to the devil,” emphasizes the Mexican priest, also director of the Catholic weekly Presencia. He then quoted verse 44 of chapter 8 of the Gospel according to Saint John: “You belong to your father the devil and you want to do the desires of your father.”

The exorcist remembers that “by mobilizing the adversaries of Jesus, Satan is leading events towards the Passion of the Lord. Jesus says to his persecutors: ‘You are of the devil, your father, and it is your father’s desires that you want to fulfill’ (Jn 8:41).”

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