Holy Week 2024: Homily of Pope Francis at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday

It is the Easter of Christ, the strength of God, the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness, the rebirth of hope among the rubble of failure.

It is the Lord, the God of the impossible who, forever, made the stone roll away and began to open our hearts so that hope has no end. To Him, then, we too must look.

The second moment, let’s look at Jesus. He, after having assumed our humanity, descended into the abysses of death and crossed them with the power of his divine life, opening an infinite gap of light for each of us.

Resurrected by the Father in his flesh, which is also ours with the power of the Holy Spirit, he opened a new page for the human race. From that moment on, if we let ourselves be led by Jesus, no experience of failure or pain, no matter how much it hurts us, can have the last word on the meaning and destiny of our life. From that moment, if we allow ourselves to be held by the Risen Lord, no defeat, no suffering, no death will be able to stop our path towards the fullness of life.

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