Holy Week 2024: Holy Saturday and the meaning of the Easter Vigil

Holy Week 2024: Holy Saturday and the meaning of the Easter Vigil

In this part, the reading of the book of Exodus stands out, which narrates the passage of the people of Israel through the Red Sea, when the Jews were fleeing the Egyptian troops that were pursuing them and were saved by God.

That divine action was the first taste of what would happen later: God would save his people again, but this time he would do so by handing over his beloved Son.

The third moment occurs when the faithful renew their baptismal promises, renouncing Satan, his seductions and works. This is carried out in front of the baptismal font – or a suitable container that serves as a substitute – and the litanies are sung invoking all the saints, as an expression of the unity of the Church militant with the Church triumphant.

To learn more about Holy Saturday and the Easter Vigil you can click on this link.

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