The Alliance for Life in Virginia invites you to participate, on January 25, in a free pro-life conference with Patricia Sandoval and EWTN presenters, among others, within the framework of the National March for Life in the United States.
The event will take place from 8:30 to 4:00 pm (local time) at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Falls Church, Virginia; and will have as its theme “Family and the dignity of all human life.”
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Yseth Marie Alliance for Lifeindicated this January 16 to ACI Prensa that “taking advantage of the fact that tens of thousands of people unite in a single voice in defending the lives of the most defenseless each year in the capital of the United States, Washington DC, we present a space where “Spanish speakers can find themselves in prayer, education and action on this priority issue.”
“So the day after the March for Life we meet each year to abound in these actions that correspond to each of us, as children of God,” he adds.
So, in this conference various experts offer “concrete tools to help us continue expanding the culture of life, understanding, for example, that since the reversal of the Roe vs. Wade, abortion legislation has been left in the hands of each state, our action becomes more important.”

In addition to Sandoval and her EWTN co-host of the program Pro-Life ReportAstrid Bennet, there will be several priests such as Father Víctor Salomón, a priest from Birmingham and co-presenter of the Series “De 2 en 2”, on the same television station.
Neydy Casillas, expert in international law and vice president of the Global Center for Human Rights, will also participate; and Father John Paul Heisler, parochial vicar of Santiago Apóstol Church in the diocese of Arlington, who will teach a workshop for young people on the Theology of the Body.
Also present will be Father Octavio Gómez, priest of the Archdiocese of Miami and editorial director of Radio María USA; and husband and wife Daniel and María Cabrera, communicators, pro-life activists and speakers on family, chastity and finance issues.
In addition to being free, the organizers have arranged for the Mass to be celebrated at 11:15 am and will offer childcare services.
You can register by writing to