He refused to testify and would travel to Bolivia with Estudiantes

He refused to testify and would travel to Bolivia with Estudiantes

After spending the last 24 hours long in a police station, after having lost control of his vehicle and crashing into a gas station pump while driving with a total of 1.84 alcohol in his blood.ethe player Students of La Plata, Tiago Palacios, was released upon receiving authorization from the prosecutor’s office. Despite having been stipulated, refused to testify and his driver’s license was simply revoked so that is unable to drive.

The player of 23 years He was charged during Monday’s day with minor negligent injuries after causing minor injuries to a service station employee who managed to escape the collision and not have major injuries.

After the accident that occurred at a station Shelllocated on Paseo del Bajo and the Illia Highway, Palacios was transferred and housed in a police station after refusing to be directed to a hospital. for medical check-ups. The player was unharmed despite losing control of his vehicle. Jeep Compass and the 28-year-old victim suffered minor injuries that left her out of danger.

On Monday afternoon, while the entire Estudiantes team was celebrating the League Cup title before a crowd of fans in Plaza Moreno, Palacios spent the night delayed so that this Tuesday morning he can appear for investigation via Zoom to begin his process of freedom. However, advised by his legal representative, he refused to testify and it was decided to apply the fine of inability to drive. and the withdrawal of your registration.

Regarding the state in which the player was, journalist Mercedes Ninci on Radio Miter said: “He was here all night, not in a cell because there is none, it is not a detention center.. He is inside an office, handcuffed, cared for by a guard, no one from the family came to visit him nor any lawyer.”

According to Palacios’ own publications on his Instagram account, he would have spent the night of the accident in a bowling alley in the Federal Capital.

As a result of being released, Estudiantes made the decision to include Palacios in the list of those summoned They will travel to Bolivia to face The Strongest, this Thursday from 9 p.m., for the Copa Libertadores.

Tiago Palacios in the middle of the celebrations with his colleagues from Estudiantes de La Plata and a large vase of alcoholic beverage, hours before the accident he caused at a service station in Capital Federal.

From Pincha they did not publish any statement about the player’s situation, although they closely followed his legal process to define at the last minute whether he would be put on the plane. Finally, since his arrest did not take longer than necessary, coach Eduardo Domínguez decided to include him among the concentrates.

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