He likes to define himself as “the kid who does things”. He is no longer so young – he is 36 years old – but he retains the restless and proactive spirit that leads him to have several “kiosks” (if they are one). Ignacio Nacho Elizalde is an all-rounder in the profession of making a living. To wit: he is one of the hosts of Luzu TV, one of the most viewed streaming channels, he premiered a theatrical show, Don’t get your hopes up, on Paseo La Plaza, and he has already appeared on open TV, where they called him to be part of Bake off famosos, that will be seen on Telefé. You could joke that the pastry reality show arrived with a loaf of bread under its arm: The same channel chose him to be part of the streaming of Susana Giménez’s program, which will start this Sunday.
But there is more. Nacho Elizalde is the owner of Braid, a clothing brand, and creator of parties Polentaan increasingly popular event. And, to sing bingo, he has a brand of crumb sandwiches. “All these dreams appeared to me at the moment. I never dreamed of anything. And today I want everything. That’s the problem,” she tells Viva, one sunny morning in Palermo.
He was born in Necochea on December 31 (he hates the date and celebrating his birthday), but he immediately settled with his family in Buenos Aires. He grew up in the northern area. Even as a child he was curious and restless: “At first it was a conflict, because I wanted to act, make music, play soccer… I liked everything.” He was the shortest in his grade and that strengthened him: “I had to get attention in some way and assert myself. So, to counteract being short, I introduced talk and charisma. At first it bothered me that I was short, but then I got the hang of it. I like the different, the different. Let’s say that the lack of height empowered me.”
To counteract being short, I introduced talk and charisma.
Nacho ElizaldeProducer, actor and host
His childhood friends say that as a child Nacho said he wanted to be famous. He doesn’t remember it. But he does admit that “the acting bug” bit him as a teenager. “I was always half-hearted,” she says. She watched all the movies by Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler and Jack Black.
“My plan A was to be an actor. I studied theater with Nora Moseinco, among others. But then I realized that it is a complicated job. I like the good life, eating well, traveling. And that is not so compatible with being an actor, going to castings and being told no.. Or do independent works and not have a handle. So I said: ‘My strong point has always been creativity and producing. Let’s go for it.’ Today, above all, I am a producer. Every time something crosses my mind I say, ‘Well, let’s do it.’”
Nacho started working in an advertising agency: “I was doing well in that world, but I didn’t like it. I felt something very rigid and I was not allowed to fly. I got bored and lefti”.
Far from standing with his arms crossed, he started working for social networks: “Instagram stories had just started and I was offering content to brands. He had few followers. But one day they hired me to do stories for Chevrolet and I met Nico Occhiato and Migue Granados, who were brand ambassadors. I had a very good vibe there with Nico.”
Nacho’s life took a leap. He created, together with Occhiato, Luzu TV and the first program Nobody says anything. First as a producer and now he is one of the hosts. He also has another music program: “I was always passionate about thinking about new, crazy ideas, delusions.”
Being with Susana is another dream come true. He is very crazy. I watched it on TV all my life. I love her.
Nacho ElizaldeProducer, actor, host
-New streaming channels appeared, do you like to compete?
–I don’t like competition, but I do like having an offer. This Olga, Zeta Republic, Jelly, Blender, Bondi, Fuck, Nerves. But having more competition raises the bar for you. Before we were alone running the race. Now suddenly there are a lot of runners and that’s good. 100,000 people see us live per day.
-And now you make your debut with Susana Giménez, what do you feel?
-A lot of happiness. Another dream come true. He is very crazy. I watched it on TV all my life. I love her. I will be with Sofía Gonet (“La Reini”) and Pablo Agustín doing a simultaneous program and also interacting with Susana.
-How did the idea of doing a theatrical night late show come about?
-It comes from a talk with Valen Iudica, Mariano’s daughter, with whom we are a very good creative duo. I always admired American comedians on TV.Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel type. And I like the showman format with interviews, games and a live band. The first performances went to a full house, we sold out. There are seven for now. The theater wants me to do more, but I say: “Slowly”. I like to go little by little because otherwise I get overwhelmed.

-Well, you are just talking about walking slowly…
-Yes, because in everything I went little by little. The parties Polenta We started it with my partner, Maru Frohmann, with 80 people. Today we do them every 15 days at the Art Media complex for 3,500 people. Also in Rosario, Mar del Plata, Córdoba, Mendoza, Barcelona, Madrid, Miami… We are like 60 people working. And the sandwiches are premium. We are looking for a place to cook and deliver instantly. They will return.
-Doesn’t it make you anxious to have so many occupations?
-Yeah, but I channel it by doing. I like to build work teams, provide work in Argentina, I like to bet here and if I fail, I fail.
I want to take advantage of this fury of being known and the opportunities that are being given to me. It doesn’t happen to everyone.
Nacho ElizaldeProducer, actor and host
-And what do you do in your free time?
-I’m with my girlfriend, Kati Vara, who is a celebrity stylist and works a lot, and with my dog Tranca. I go to therapy and train. But when I’m awake I don’t stop for a second. Such good things are happening to me! I’m for everything. I recognize that not stopping for even a second makes my head go crazy, I can’t relax and I can’t pay much attention to a lot of things. I’m going fast, I know. But I want to take advantage of this time, all this fury of being known and the opportunities that are being given to me. It doesn’t happen to everyone. And if at some point this ends, I want to continue with my things, with Braidcon Polentaso that they give me peace and I can be well.
Thanks: The Slow Kale, restaurant. (Arena Conception, 2931).