“Giacomo Mattivi is an extraordinary young man, a true missionary of hope.” They are the words of Lia Beltrami, producer of the documentary Green Lava, that tells the story of this Italian young man and his fight against Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy.
The journalists who participated in the Jubilee of Communication, recently held in Rome, went to the premiere Green Lava (Green lava), a film that tells the story of this “radiant, full of life and extremely intelligent” boy, despite suffering a hereditary disorder that causes progressive muscle weakness.
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A “in the light of faith”
In conversation with ACI Press, Beltrami emphasizes that his illness, the same one that previously affected his brother Mattia, “has not stopped.” He says that “within him there is a love for life and a strength much greater than anyone could imagine” and that is why he wanted to take the world “the beauty of Giacomo” through the screen.
“Giacomo is a radiant boy, full of life and extremely intelligent. He has a unique ability to read the hearts of people and to ‘dance with the heart’ …. It is like the sun that is born every morning, ”says Beltrami.
He also points out that, together with his family and his community, the young man “lives this path in the light of faith”, which his father defines as “a critical faith”, since he seeks to “deepen the Christian path without giving anything for sitting”.
The emotional documentary goes into the life of this young man, who without losing his smile clings to life despite his illness. Stefano and Lara, their parents, reflect on the life and faith of Giacomo, as well as the challenges they have had to face two sick children.
It is a hopeful documentary in which the young man, despite knowing that his earthly life can end at any time, knows that something bigger awaits him: “A new place for his soul, where the lava can flow and give life to new forms ”.
“This does not surrender to pain, but completely surrender to others, it is a fruit of their faith. In addition, Giacomo is a catechist and I have seen how children listen to it carefully. All his life is a mission, ”adds the producer.
A project carried out “With the Heart”
To perform this documentary, Lia Beltrami had the help of many people “who worked with their hearts.” He quotes producer Ali Aksu, psychologist Daniele Marchesi, editor Simona Paggi or Sebastian photography director Rossitto, as well as the soundtrack with compositions donated by Billie Eilish and original pieces by Alberto Beltrami and Carlos Biondini.
“Everyone contributed their talent to tell the story of a 21 -year -old who has just lost his brother for the same disease and, however, delivers a message and teaching to the entire world,” he remarks.
The Italian, graduated from the New York Film Academy, reveals to ACI Press that “filming was not easy, since Giacomo constantly depends on a respirator, which generated several technical difficulties.” It also emphasizes that “the issues addressed are not simple” and required a lot of tact and dedication from the entire team.
“I hope you leave in viewers a deep desire to live”
Wait for Green Lava Leave in the spectators a “deep desire to live” and emphasizes that “some have defined it as a film about suicide prevention” and as “a punch and a caress at the same time.”
“We really want those who see it, especially young people, take the reins of their lives, cultivate gratitude and find their way. Giacomo teaches to live in small, to value the present moment. His smile and his gaze communicate more than words, ”he says.
Green Lava He had his first projection in Davos, during the World Economic Forum, where producer Ali Aksu created a “very relevant” dialogue space. According to Beltrami, the film “was received with great enthusiasm.”
“The same happened in its world premiere during the jubilee of communication, where we were invited to project it,” since it is a production made in collaboration with Vatican News and Vatican Radio.
Within the framework of the jubilee, he emphasizes that Giacomo is a true “pilgrim of hope”, and the film that tells his story “seeks to bring his message to every corner of the world.”
Meeting between Giacomo and Pope Francis
The protagonist of the documentary was able to witness the premiere at the Agustinian Patristical Institute of Rome. During his stay in the eternal city, Giacomo Mattivi also held a special encounter with the Holy Father, whom he could greet after the massive audience that took place in the Paul VI classroom on the occasion of the jubilee of communication.
Giacomo himself explained to Vatican News He asked Pope Francis “if I could send him more poems, and responded positively with a gesture of his hand. It was very exciting to see that he remembered me. ”
“Look for hope in the darkest corners”
Lia Beltrami discovered her vocation in 1993, during a trip to Ethiopia, to tell the life of a missionary, Fr. Gabriele Sartori. “I felt called to mainly narrate Christian hope.” Since then, her work as director and director of Art has always focused “on seeking hope on the darkest corners of the world and trying to tell the ‘good new’ ‘new’.”
He explains that each of his films is linked to a social project, “so that he can change the life of the protagonists and generate transformation into the spectators.” Finally, it reveals the next documentary in hand: it is about Reverse“Another powerful story of hope: that of a choreographer and dancer born and raised in a favela in the Northeast of Brazil.”
“At a time of resurgence of violence after the Covid pandemic, Rodrigo creates a show that will take him on Europe with 25 young people until he reached a meeting with Pope Francis. This work transformed the lives of the 25 boys, that of their families and that of the entire Favela de Marcos Moura, ”he concludes.