Great Reflections of Santos on Lent: Fasting, Penance and Conversion

Great Reflections of Santos on Lent: Fasting, Penance and Conversion

Lent is not only a time of resignation, but of transformation. Six saints and blessed offer us deep reflections to live this period with authenticity, from fasting to the conversion of the heart.

San Agustín

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“This is the reason why both Moses and Elijah and the Lord himself fasted for 40 days: to imply that in Moses, Elijah and in Christ himself, that is, in the law, the prophets and the gospel, we are in the point of sight, so that we do not accommodate and adhere to this world, but that we crucify the old man, not giving ours filth, to pendencies or envy, but stating us from the Lord Jesus, without paying attention to the flesh and its desires. (Sermon 205).

San Juan Pablo II

“The renunciation of sensations, stimuli, pleasures and also food and drink, is not an end in itself.

San Juan XXIII

“Lent time, oh Lord: do not allow us to go to the cracked cisterns (Jer. 2,13), nor that we imitate the unfaithful servant, the virgin foolish; Eating, to cover the nudes member, to gather the family under the same roof ”(broadcasting of the Holy Father John XXIII on the occasion of the beginning of Lent, February 27, 1963).

Blessed Álvaro del Portillo

“Lent is a pressing call to monitor against the evils of the evil one, wielding the weapons of prayer and penance. Christianity, 2014, pp.

San Josemaría Escrivá

“We cannot consider this Lent as another time, cyclical repetition of liturgical time.

“I advise you to try time to return … at the beginning of your ‘first conversion’, which, if it is not to become like children, it seems a lot: in the spiritual life, you have to get carried away with whole confidence, without fears or folds;

Blessed Carlo acute

“Our soul is like a hot air balloon.

“The conversion is nothing more than moving the look from the bottom up, a simple movement of the eyes is enough” (Appointment published by the National Catholic Register).

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