Giovanna Pisano Maurin, the 16 -year -old archera who sold her skates and armed raffles to compete in the South American of Chile

Pandemia marked a before and after in the lives of many people. For Giovanna Pisano Maurin It meant making a decision that would change its destiny: Leave the skates to wield an arc with arrows. At 16, the South American was classified to be played in Santiago de Chile from March 10 to 15. But getting to compete there was not easy. “I sold my skates to go to Chile”the athlete told Clarion.

His family hit many doors in search of financial support and was not successful. Until with personal economic effort and donations of friends, acquaintances and fans of Vélez who listened to it by radio came to meet the goal.

The arrow with archery was immediate. He was 12 years old and the pandemic had moved her away from skating. One day, while traveling by car with his parents, he saw a poster in the Aldo Bonzi Cace Club which said “Archerty.” Something in those letters caught her. He scored and since then he stopped. His dream was at risk when the club closed temporarily, but reopened its doors and, with them, the opportunity to continue aiming.

“He immediately told me: ‘I want to go’. Then I bought a cheap national archite to see if he really liked. And yes, he liked it and began to find everything, ”said Andrea, Mom of Giovanna.

The first time the teenager held an arc in her hands felt something difficult to explain. It wasn’t just a piece of plastic with a rope: It was a door to another world. At first the arches were basic, rough, almost uncomfortable. But when he had a high -end in his hands, the difference was abysmal. “For me it was like seeing a Ferrari,” He remembered with emotion.

The texture, the weight, the precision of each piece. Everything changed according to the material: some with wooden handles, soft to touch; others with polished finishes that adapted perfectly to their grip. For Giovanna, shooting an arrow with such an arc was not just throwing a projectile: it was to feel the tension of the rope, the vibration in the hand and the adrenaline of the moment.

For Giovanna Pisano Maurin, holding a high -end arch in her hands was like seeing a Ferrari.

From the first day he knew that archery was not just a sport: it was his passion. “Many ask me what I see to this sport, but for me it is beautiful,” he said with a smile.

However, dedicating himself to sport implies sacrifices and Giovanna always had him in mind. Born in Isidro Casanova, La Matanza Party, organizes her life around archery. He train six days a week, for more than 40 hours: gym in the morning, club in the afternoon and double shift on weekends, with days of up to eight hours. To hold that rhythm, his family decided to cure the secondary at night.

His evolution was meteoric. Began by launching 20 meters, but in a matter of months he doubled the distance and soon reached 60, The Sub 18 category in which it competes today. “The technician told me that he saw her well, very strongly. There I bought a better arch and so we changed, ”said Andrea, her retired mother and teacher, in dialogue with Clarion.

With so little preparation for that distance, Giovanna doubted her performance. But in the national final surprised: it ended fourth and was summoned to the elite group of the Argentine National Team. He had just been pulling 60 meters. “A madness for me,” he said in amazement.

On January 28, in Chajarí, Entre Ríos, Giovanna played one of the most important competitions of his career: the South American Classification of Chile. He finished third and secured his place in the Argentine team. However, as happens to many athletes in less popular disciplines, everything is lung and the classification does not guarantee anything.

Giovanna Pisano Maurin and her family are selling raffles to gather the 905 dollars that are missing to go to the South American.Giovanna Pisano Maurin and her family are selling raffles to gather the 905 dollars that are missing to go to the South American.

The arc shooting federation covers the expenses only of the first two classified. The third and the fourth should be fixed alone. And the situation is even more unfair: in Chile, Giovanna will not only compete in the individual test but also in the team mode, where each country must present three holders. Even so, the Federation only finances two.

Giovanna faced a counterreloj race. I needed to gather $ 905 to pay for registration to the South American, accommodation and transfer expenses. His parents, with effort, covered air tickets and medical insurance. They must also fight to avoid extra position for sports luggage, a significant expense due to the size of the arch.

To gather that money, the family got tired of hitting doors. “I went everywhere asking: ‘Do you want to be my sponsors?’but they don’t answer you And you have to be prepared to tell you not all the time, ”Giovanna explained. His family organized raffles to pay for the trip.

One of the doors was that of the Municipality of La Matanza, but quickly referred to the Ministry of Sports, where he obtained the same answer: “We cannot do anything.” Meanwhile, in other provinces history is different.

“My partner Leowhich came third, got four sponsors in just a week and a half. It is from Córdoba. I did not get anything in Buenos Aires. Everyone tells you that there is no money”He had frustration. Even the archera who qualified fourth received support in La Rioja.

In addition to the arch, Giovanna enjoys spending time with her dog, taking care of her plants and disconnecting playing video games.In addition to the arch, Giovanna enjoys spending time with her dog, taking care of her plants and disconnecting playing video games.

Out of the sport, Giovanna likes to spend time with her dog and take care of her plants, although she admits between laughs that are somewhat neglected. “I have no time,” said resigned, because between training and competencies, His life revolves around the arch and arrow. When he achieves a free time, he dedicates it to video games, one of the few ways in which he really disconnects.

But deep down its true passion is sports and being able to compete in an Olympic Games. That consumes it completely. His mother proudly confirms it: “He puts claw and enthusiasm when he puts on a goal. He has ups and downs like anyone, but continues and that’s why he advanced a lot.”

Giovanna already knows that she will compete in the South American. 300 dollars are still subtracted to cover their stay in Chile, because it broke the sight of the arch and had to be replaced. The help of Vélez fans was vital, who from A puchitos They sympathized when they heard it on the radio. And at 16 he will travel to fulfill his dream. Without her skates, but with the pride of knowing she exceeded obstacles and will represent Argentina.

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