ghost corner and goal from Gimnasia de Jujuy in the 93rd minute

ghost corner and goal from Gimnasia de Jujuy in the 93rd minute

The match between Jujuy Gymnastics and Fencing y Güemes from Santiago del Estero, by date 30 of zone A of the First National, He witnessed one of those refereeing errors that cannot be explained.

Extra time was played and they tied without goals at the 23 de Agosto stadium, home of the Jujeño wolf, when the player Bruno Palazzo He was destabilized when trying to shoot at the goal and made the ball escape along the baseline. It was a goal kick for Güemes, without any doubt.

However, in a moment of distraction or who knows why, the assistant referee Ruben Bustos took a corner. AND Adrian Franklinthe main judge of the match, did not notice the line judge’s error.

That major, glaring mistake ended up being exposed because after the execution of that same corner kick came Gimnasia’s goal. Who did it? Bruno Palazo himself. The clock showed 48 minutes of the second half, and it was a victory for the local team. A crazy ending.

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