Gemelli Hospital, New Pilgrim Stop of the Jubilee to pray for the Pope

Time seems to have stopped in the Vatican. Since Pope Francis was admitted, the entire world has turned his gaze to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, which in recent days seems to have become a sanctuary.

People from different countries continue to arrive in Rome to live the jubilee of hope and the hospital in which Pope Francis has been transformed into a high on the way and an essential stop of his pilgrimage.

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Hundreds of faithful with their own stories stop to pray every day at the foot of the image of San Juan Pablo II. His gaze rises to heaven and, with special devotion, towards the last floor of the hospital, where the Pontiff continues to recover.

“It’s not just a hospital. It’s like being at a general audience with the Pope “

The passionist priest Enzo del Brocco says with devotion to the image of Pope Saint for his mother, who will be subject to surgery on Saturday. “Knowing that it is in the same hospital where Pope Francis is is something that moves you. He always says that the pastor must have the smell of his sheep, and I think he now has it in a special way with whom they are here, ”he says excitedly.

Fr. Enzo del Brocco in the Gemelli. Credit: Almudena Martínez-Bordiú/ACI Press
Fr. Enzo del Brocco in the Gemelli. Credit: Almudena Martínez-Bordiú/ACI Press

“If my mother could, I would surely try to go through security to see it. Surely I would! He is very happy. It’s amazing, because he has been praying for him, ”says Aci Press while sketching a smile.

Pittsburgh’s priest (United States) highlights how special this place is for him. “It’s not just a hospital. It is a space where suffering is intertwined with hope, and people find a lot of comfort. ”

“Many people who have been praying here tell me the same thing, they feel as if they were at the general audience with the Pope, even when he cannot speak to them. And I think that’s the most beautiful. ”

It emphasizes that Pope Francis is also a human being, “and recognizing that is very important. He has constantly shown us. I think we are truly Christians, true followers of Christ, when we become more human, ”he adds.

Luigi is a Roman man who has frequents the hospital for a year. His wife suffers from cancer and has been intervened on numerous occasions, they have even had to rebuild an eye. The last operation, explains ACI Press from the entrance to the hospital, lasted 20 hours.

“My wife today felt grateful because she knows that there is someone who protects her from above,” he says excitedly. Now, in addition to offering masses and praying every day for his wife, he also does it for Pope Francis, “a humble man with a lot of humanity.”

“He has always been there for us, now is time to be here for him”

Sister Mary Jane has traveled to Rome from Stockton, California (United States) on the occasion of the Jubileo de La Esperanza. As one more stop within his pilgrimage, he has reached the Gemelli with other women in the parish of San Lucas to show their proximity to the Holy Father.

“He has always been there for us, so now is the time to be here for him.” Credit: Almudena Martínez-Bordiú/ ACI Press

“I think that the most important thing we can do for the Pope is to show how much we care and how much we love him as our father figure, pray for him and show him that we care, it is the minimum we can do. He has always been there for us, so now is the time to be here for him, pray for him, love and care for him, ”he says.

Pilgrims remember that Jesus is the “supreme healer” and highlights that prayer “strengthens, not only physically, but spiritually. I think that’s where the Pope also receives strength. ”

Mónica and Zoltan, from Bucharest, after praying for the Pope at the foot of St. John Paul II. Credit: Almudena Martínez-Bordiú/ ACI Press
Mónica and Zoltan, from Bucharest, after praying for the Pope at the foot of St. John Paul II. Credit: Almudena Martínez-Bordiú/ ACI Press

After silently praying the candles on with the face of Pope Francis, Mónica and Zoltan they return to his turn by train to the center of Rome. They have traveled from Bucharest (Romania) to remember their novice trip, 18 years ago, to the eternal city.

The stop at the Gemelli hospital was indispensable for them. “It is important to pray for your situation, although you always have to pray, in any situation,” says Zoltan.

Both remember with love the apostolic trip of the Holy Father to his country in 2019 and now wish to express to him that same closeness. “We pray every day, but only God knows what is better for him.”


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