from cosmetic surgery to social networks

What advances has the world of aesthetics recorded in the last 25 years? A lot of. Although the highest percentage of innovation goes to non-invasive treatments and appliances that instruments them.

This is confirmed by thousands of articles published in different scientific journals, conclusions at international conferences, papers written by specialists, presentations from laboratories and medical engineering companies.

The great technological revolution promoted a creative acceleration, aimed at revitalization without surgical maneuvers. It is that just as in In the ’90s, cosmetic surgery was all the ragethe turn of the millennium began to redefine some standards in the concept of beauty and women began to consider their naturalness, accepting their body and their facial identity.

The preference to look better, without bloody resources, advanced to occupy first place today.

The search for “our best version” -both in women and men-; the choice of non-invasive and non-painful aesthetic processes and the appreciation of healthy eating and physical activity as essential factors lead the preferences among patients who are increasingly more informed about treatments and devices.

“The fight against cellulite has always been linked to centimeters less and, currently, it anti-aging is the big issue. Awareness of photoaging due to the sun is focused as a concern, beyond wrinkles. Cancer and skin spots won the battle against the Caribbean tan, and the 50 FPS screen is in every bag. Dehydration and skin aging due to the sun improve greatly with non-invasive devices,” he says. the Dr. Priscila Dzigciot, medical director of BACEthe aesthetic center founded in 1999, chosen by Catherine Fulop, María Vázquez, Emilia Attias, Brenda Asnicar and Patricia Della Giovampaola, which began with non-invasive equipment to help reduce centimeters, in localized areas, always on that painless path.

Ultrasound, laser and ultra frequency They improve the quality of the skin, reduce centimeters and tone. To the reduction, we add physical activity and nutrition. This is how we grew and added new non-invasive technologies, because in this way very good results are obtained,” adds Dzigciot, who, personally, finished high school in 2000 and began studying Medicine.

Emilia Attias in the latest BACE campaign. Photo: Courtesy BACE.

Third generation of doctors (her mother and grandfather are also), she graduated as a gynecologist, performed surgeries and specialized in aesthetics and revitalization, as well as non-invasive treatments.

“I always liked the hormonal part more and not so much the surgical part. So I chose this path. There is so much to do on a holistic level; vitamins, minerals, heavy metals. You have to know if there is a lack of zinc, magnesium… I do a study to work on the internal and external. Mom (Edith) does nutrition. At the facial level, we focus on collagen production,” she says.

For Dzigciot, the cosmetics industry advanced tremendously. “Social networks influence a lot; People look at themselves more, see their image and take care to improve it. But he knows that there are filters and that a photo does not always agree with what is real. Beauty ideal? Before it was the androgynous body, the Kate Moss type. Now Kim Kardashian’s curves are worth it. But another important issue is that today women are more accepted. There is a lot of information, more comparison, but the ideal of beauty is to feel good about yourself and stop looking outside so much. It is difficult, but many are achieving it,” she says from his office at BACE.

25 years ago, the most popular thing was to reduce centimeters. Not all women want to go under the knife, get injections, or have liposuction. And these non-invasive treatments are alternatives. The woman at that time was free, she worked and took care of her house. And a quarter of a century later she is still doing it. What has changed is the factor of her guilt, since she has resolved that feeling of being at a loss with her family to develop personally. She earns her money, she is independent and accesses treatment through self-management, without asking or being accountable to anyone.

Benjamín Vicuña, image of BACE Men (2023).  Photo: Courtesy BACE.Benjamín Vicuña, image of BACE Men (2023). Photo: Courtesy BACE.

Appliances and accessories

At first it was electrostimulation to work the muscle, thermotherapy for reduction and ultrasounds. Then new devices arrived that combine different technologies. For the muscle there is stimulation by electromagnetism instead of conventional stimulation; Radio frequency was also evolving, the fact of having digital screens to choose different temperatures and zones.”

The break, the before and after, for Dzigciot, occurred around 2010, when they were able to apply devices with various functions. “There are several aesthetic medicine conferences both in Argentina and abroad that are very good, where we meet colleagues and talk about equipment, technologies… I have to say that reduction is a permanent demand in women of all ages, but they don’t want a facelift or liposuction. They say, if I take care of myself since I was 40 – they see tutorials and they warn me – I don’t have to go to the scalpel. The women in their eighties, almost all of them had surgery and not all of them are satisfied,” she says.

As a trend rescues the boom in dietary supplements. “We are what we eat. And they may or may not be needed. I am a specialist on the subject and you only have to take what you lack. If you consume a mix of random things, those mixtures of zinc, vitamin C, calcium and iron with pre-established doses, it doesn’t work. I do a specific study, where deficiencies can be evaluated, and that is valid. There are people who eat well, hyper-healthy, homemade, not packaged, ultra-processed. He doesn’t eat packaged sliced ​​bread, he goes to the bakery and buys one with sourdough, which has no preservatives. Another controversial topic is drinkable collagen. Many studies promote taking amino acids that generate collagen.”

Also in this last section of that timeline of the last 25 years, he entered the man to the aesthetic consultation. “It was about 5 years ago; They came because of the belly issue and because many had put a lot of filler in their faces and saw that they could be treated in another, non-invasive way. They look for anti-aging facial, abdominal reduction and muscle tone,” concludes Dr. Dzigciot.

Catherine Fulop (2019).  Photo: Courtesy of BACE.Catherine Fulop (2019). Photo: Courtesy of BACE.

Communicate beauty

According to the current fashion, faces with prominent cheekbones, ultra-thick lips, and drawn eyebrows began to communicate. The war against cellulite and flaccidity continued with the body, as well as the fight against localized adiposity and extra kilos. In this last quarter of a century, however, the degree of desperation to achieve perfect measurements gave way to a greater body acceptance: people went from worrying to being busy.

“We were among the first to use Instagram and communicate simple content, with frequent tutorials. The celebrities came to BACE 11 years ago and we have been campaigning since then. At first with the photographer Gaby Rocca, from whom we ask for photos that look fashionable, although we are an aesthetic center. Karina Jelinek, Emilia Attías -who has been with us forever-, Benjamín Vicuña are cared for here, they are not just models for our campaigns. I would like to add that just as María Vázquez works a lot on her body and she is an example of discipline, each woman has to work on it but according to her possibilities, improving her own structure and without looking for an external model. Besides, At this time, different beauty standards coexist. Today, for example, Latinas impose their curves,” concludes Dzigciot. Good news to rest from the tyrannical prototype of tall, blonde and skinny. Or abandon it once and for all.

María Vázquez (2020).  Photo: Courtesy BACE.María Vázquez (2020). Photo: Courtesy BACE.

Cellulite in the spotlight

First it was treated with massages, then with suction patches or cryolipolysis, capable of freezing fat.. Then they moved on to mechanical massage machines and many applauded the arrival of liposuction, with its surgical advantages.

For those looking for solutions without cannulas or scalpels, the new millennium expanded the range of devices, which arrived on time, hyper-technological and multifunctional, starting in 2010. “At that time we celebrated Verjú, the first and only green laser capable of generating body sculpting, fat reduction and an anti-cellulite effect. Or the Envolvex, which is a multiple-effect device. Also Oxygeneo, a revolutionary treatment that offers the triple effect of natural oxygenation, exfoliation and absorption of active ingredients,” they say from BACE. And they also consider “the Lifskin Plus for the face – French technology – trend in Europe in non-invasive anti-aging treatments.” It has a deeper addition to stimulate collagen and elastin.

“Another gem is the Trishock that combines cryotherapy with thermotherapy and electrodes, all in one. It is ideal for toning and reducing at the same time, acting on areas of localized adiposity, cellulite and flaccidity such as the abdomen, flanks, buttocks and legs,” says Dr. Dzigciot.

Paula Chaves, in the 2018 BACE campaign.  Photo: Courtesy BACE.Paula Chaves, in the 2018 BACE campaign. Photo: Courtesy BACE.

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