Forest fires in Chile: Pope Francis asks to pray for the dead and injured

Pope Francis has asked the Catholic faithful to pray for the more than 50 dead, nearly 370 missing and thousands of injured left by the forest fires that since Friday have been devastating the center and south of the country, mainly the Valparaíso region. .

“Let us also pray for the dead and wounded from the devastating fires that have affected central Chile,” he expressed this February 4 after the Angelus prayer, after making a request for prayer for the people suffering because of the war.

According to him National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred)the fire has so far consumed 25,567 hectares in the central regions such as Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O’Higgins, as well as to the south, in Maule, La Araucanía and Los Lagos.

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