Florianopolis corner marked by oysters, colonial houses and the best sunsets

Florianopolis corner marked by oysters, colonial houses and the best sunsets

In the Santa Catarina Islandhalfway between the center of Florianopolis and the Playas del Norte like Jureré Canasvieirasthere is a neighborhood with a lot of history that in summer is eclipsed by the attractiveness of beach days in other parts of the island.

Santo Antonio de Lisboa It is where the first record of the landing of the Portuguese on the island of Florianopolis is located. The first immigrants of the Azores (Portuguese archipelago) began populated this region in 1748.

Many years later, it is an unmissable, old and romantic neighborhood, which invites you to immerse yourself in a Time trip… and in local flavors.

Santo Antonio de Lisbon proposes a circuit between architecture, history, gastronomy and beautiful postal: colonial facades of houses in front of a calm sea, cobbled callecitas and the Church of Our Lady of Needs -The great icon of the neighborhood-, built in 1750 and renovated in Baroque style that stands out for its carved altars and typical elements of the Azores.

Here there are so much family inns attended by its owners as Rent departments In the season.

In the Rua Quinze de Nuevembro, on the coast, there are Bars and restaurants specialized in fish and sea fruits.

In an ancient house where in 1845 the Emperor Dom Pedro II and Empress Tereza Cristina were staying, the VILLA DO PORTO RESTAURANTEwith tables on the sidewalk, in front of the sea. Impossible not to ask for their more traditional dish, the oysters, both natural, only with lemon, and to the breath -Hervades in Cachaza-, or gratin or with alioli and vinaigrette.

Marisqueira Sintra is added to the unmissable offer – specialized in cod and seafood – and the Oyster Bar Freguesia: they raise oysters to eat accompanied by drinks or with the classic caipirinha.

The Immigrant Cultural Print of the Azores is preserved in celebrations such as Reis’s terno and in artisanal production with looms, ceramics, paintings and much inspiration in local folklore.

It also attracts for contemporary art that can be seen in craft and art galleries Casa Açoriana Artes & Tramóias Ilhoas (R. Cônego Serpa 30).

And we arrive at the beach: the small extent of Arena Officia of stage for those who approach this neighborhood to contemplate some of the best sunsets of Santa Catarina, between wooden fishing boats and the calm waters of Santo Antonio de Lisboa.

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