Some users of the social network have recalled, in line with this comment, that Almodóvar, in the 80s, sang a song titled I’m going to be a mom in whose lyrics it is said: “I’m going to have a baby, I’m going to dress him as a woman, I’m going to embed him in the wall, I’m going to call him Lucifer, I’m going to teach him to criticize, I’m going to teach him to live off of prostitution.”
Precisely, Fabio de Miguel, whose stage name was McNamara, who sang this song with Almodóvar during the times of the so-called “movida madrileña”, lived a conversion process just over a decade ago.
Fabio de Miguel has since dedicated himself to religious painting, attends Mass daily and spends long moments meditating before the Blessed Sacrament in the Oratory of the Knight of Grace in Madrid.