The Pontifical Foundation helps the Church in need (UNHC) puts available to the faithful the opportunity to offer one or several masses for parents since March 19, Father’s Day in some parts of the world like Spain: and when the Catholic Church celebrates San José, husband of the Virgin Mary and adopted father of Jesus.
“This March 19, you are surprised by your father, your father -in -law, to the father of your children. You can also offer masses for them, if they have died, ”ACEN encouraged in an email sent to ACI Press.
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“There is no more valuable gift than offering Eucharist for the people you love most, for their intentions and to intercede on their way to heaven,” he adds.
What is done with the donation that is delivered to ACN?
ACN also explains that “the donation you contribute to the needy church when you request the celebration of that/s Mass/s, a priest will receive it in a country of religious necessity or persecution.”
“He will be the one who celebrates that or those Eucharist for your father, for your father -in -law, for your husband … and for those who bear the name of José,” he says.
ACN then proposes the opportunity to offer a (ordinary) Mass, nine masses (novenarian) or 90 Eucharist (Gregorian).
“What would this world be without priests?”
The priests, HECNA highlights, “make Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist, forgive sins, manage the rest of the sacraments, spread the word of God and offer masses, in this case by your Father, your father -in -law, the father of your children … and for their intentions.”
For thousands of priests, the stipend – the donations for the masses – who receive acn, “thanks to people like you, are their only source of survival.”
“A stipend (€ 10) serves the priests to cover their basic needs: food, health care … How many masses can you help them?” Question the Pontifical Foundation.
To offer a Mass for your dad on San José Day, enter this link