Fall in GDP and protest by retirees become challenges for Milei who is “obsessed” with zero deficit

Fall in GDP and protest by retirees become challenges for Milei who is “obsessed” with zero deficit

In his speech, Sunday, when presenting the 2025 budget project, in the Chamber of Deputies, the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, ratified the main pillar of his management: zero deficit. Milei understands that, with this objective achieved, other areas of the economy will have better results. as journalist Gustavo Bazzan, from Clarín in Spanish, wrote. “Fiscal balance is Milei’s main obsession,” he wrote.

An economist, Milei argues that “spending is responsible” for Argentina’s economic situation. Her recipe included the recent veto against improving the benefits of retirees who began to protest the president’s decision. On Tuesday night, while Milei held a barbecue with the parliamentarians who support him, retirees demonstrated at the entrance to the presidential residence in Olivos. In the last two weeks, retirees have protested in front of the National Congress, with the support of social movement leaders. The police repressed the acts.

Among businesspeople in some sectors and among Milei’s supporters, the expectation that his government will resolve inflation and achieve the resumption of economic growth persists. This Wednesday, however, official data confirmed that GDP fell – 1.7% in the second quarter of this year compared to the same period last year. In the first six months of this year, the accumulated retraction reached 3.4%. The most affected sectors are: construction, industry and commerce. The agricultural sector, according to the Indec survey (equivalent to IBGE) shows recovery.

Opinion polls, published in Clarín, indicate that the situation of retirees, with Milei’s veto, affected the presidential and government’s popularity.

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