Fact Check: Did Pope Francis replace fasting in Lent?

Facts: Through social networks and WhatsApp circulates a message which states that Pope Francis proposed 11 “fasts” and 15 “acts of charity” to replace “the meat fast in Lent.”

“Fast from hurtful words and transmit kind words. Fast from discontent and fill yourself with gratitude. Fast from anger and fill yourself with meekness and patience. Fast from pessimism and fill yourself with hope and optimism”, are some of the 11 “fasts” that are They attribute them to Pope Francis, without specifying when or where he said them.

Additionally, a list of “15 simple acts of charity” is included that is also attributed to Pope Francis. Among those charitable acts that circulate on social networks and WhatsApp include: “say hello (always and everywhere)”, “say thank you (even if you don’t ‘should’ do it)”, “greet with joy those people you see every day “, “listen to the other’s story, without prejudice, with love”, “stop to help. Be attentive to those who need you”, among others.


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