Experts launch a book on bioethics at 30 years from the evangelium vitae by John Paul II

Experts launch a book on bioethics at 30 years from the evangelium vitae by John Paul II

“The Gospel of Life is in the center of Jesus’ message. Welcomed with love every day by the Church, it is announced with intrepid fidelity as good news to men of all times and cultures.” Thus the encyclical begins Lifethat Pope San Juan Pablo II published almost 30 years ago.

This March 2025, a group of experts around the world who follows this guideline of Pope Peregrine, has just launched a volume that analyzes the various challenges of bioethics in today’s world.

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“Bioethics: an approach – integraral, world, current, retrospective and prospective – of human behavior in medicine and other life sciences,” is the title of the electronic and free book, written in Spanish, English, Italian and French; That a group of experts, led by the Spanish doctor Jose María Simón Castellví, wanted to make everyone available.

“We have wanted, in a volume, to determine where bioethics is located in this year 2025, where we come from and what are their future perspectives worldwide,” the former president of the International Federation of Catholic Physicians Associations (FIAMC).

“We especially discuss delicate issues about the nascent human life, the transmission of life, the end of life and medicine exercised as a service to the person suffering and never as an attack on the suffering person,” he added.

Dr. Simón also highlights that “the doctor’s mission is to protect human life from conception to natural death. We exist to prevent, cure, relieve, comfort. We cannot be silent in the face of attacks on life.”

The experts

In addition to Dr. Simón, the doctor and doctor of Medicine Bernard Ars (Bioethics 2025: Time and space to conquer), The priest and African teacher P. Simón assumu abested angué (Shared suffering in the family: a spiritual path for Santo Tomás); The Italian surgeon and professor, Franco Balzretti (The new borders of robotic surgery and Ia: how to humanize technology).

The Hong Kong doctor Dr. Peter Au-Yeung have also participated in the volume (About bioethics in 2025); Dr. Paul Braraton, American doctor and an expert in orthopedic surgery (Restore the soul of medicine: to relive the Christocentric health cult in a world led by values); Spanish pediatrician Joaquín Callabed (Divorce impact on children and adolescents); inter alia.

What does bioethics do?

In the presentation of the book, Dr. Simón Castellví explains that “Bioethics studies medical decisions from an ethical perspective, considering not only the effectiveness of health interventions, but also the moral consequences of these decisions.”

And it continues: “This includes the analysis of controversial issues such as abortion, euthanasia (and its cousin brother, assisted suicide), experimentation with human beings, artificial reproduction transhumanism or genetic manipulation.”

“Each of these issues raises significant ethical dilemmas that require a balance between freedom and responsibility, as well as the consideration of the individual’s will and respect for their dignity,” he adds.

In a way, the Spanish expert highlights, “bioethics could be assimilated to nuclear energy: these are very delicate things, with the possibility of being used to treat tumors, but also to make terribly destructive weapons.”

“It can serve to argumentally defend the life of everything not born, but, at the same time, some use it to justify the legality of partial birth.”

And what else can a “on foot” Catholic do?

Dr. Simón Castellví, in addition to recommending the reading of the book, recalls that for every faithful Catholic “prayer and sacraments are very important.” He recalled that the catechism “should be well studied by all”, and that the Letter to health agents published by the former Pontifical Council for health agents.

The expert also emphasizes that “helping in some provida or Profamilia group is very comforting. Following the news from the perspective of Christian humanism is capital. I follow Aci Press every day.”

The new volume on Bioethics can be read and downloaded for free in this link:

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