Expert presents new book on sexuality for young people, Salmones, hormones and screens

Expert presents new book on sexuality for young people, Salmones, hormones and screens

“A profound disorientation in sexuality issues” is the origin of very serious problems in young people, as explained by Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez, professor of public health at the University of Navarra in Spain.

In an interview with EWTN News, the doctor delved into his most recent book Salmon, Hormones and Screens: the enjoyment of authentic love, seen from public health; in which he highlights young people willing to swim against the current, like salmon, to live a pure love.

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Furthermore, in his publication he denounces the adverse effects of hormonal contraceptives, which are very little known and “which have been like the catalyst for the global sexual revolution.” Likewise, he denounces that pornography is distorting true human sexuality.

“Something that could be a paradise ends up being torture — especially women suffer from it — because the content is increasingly violent-aggressive and unfortunately there is an addiction to pornography that will soon be among the most frequent diagnoses in mental health ”, assured Dr. Martínez.

“All this is translating into an epidemic. “I am an epidemiologist and as never before there have been mental health problems in young people,” added the professor, specifying that the exponential increase in suicides worldwide may be a direct consequence of this.

Likewise, he expressed concern about the “precocity” with which young people begin their sexual lives and the “multiplicity” of sexual partners they have.

“It’s pure science”

Dr. Martínez clarified that his book does not talk “about morality, ethics, philosophy or religion. There is nothing like this”, but “pure science” supported by the most serious and reliable studies that have been done on this topic.

“I currently have around 1,400 scientific publications of which I am co-author or main author. I have supervised nearly 50 doctoral theses… I cannot write all this in any other way than scientific,” he assured.

The doctor commented that his book has 450 footnotes, where each statement he makes is supported by the relevant scientific reference. “Therefore, it is an approach that the population should know about and I think that this book should be widely disseminated,” he stated.

“It may seem like there is no hope, but there is. There is precisely because salmon exist,” he stated, referring to the damage that the global sexual revolution has caused to this day.

“What I want is to mobilize many people so that there is a salmon revolution. I do not earn money with this book, I have renounced my copyright, that is why I can advertise the book with impunity,” he indicated.

Finally, he explained that all profits will be used for public health research.

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