Exorcist priest takes 6 steps to leave esotericism and return to the Catholic Church

Exorcist priest takes 6 steps to leave esotericism and return to the Catholic Church

Father Eduardo Hayen Cuarón, exorcist and director of the weekly Presencia of the Mexican Diocese of Ciudad Juárez, offered a six-step path to leave esotericism and return to the Catholic Church.

Esotericism or the esoteric, a word that in its Greek root means “inner” or “internal”, refers to what some consider a prior or “natural” knowledge that is above all religions, which goes beyond the “teachers” to the “initiated”.

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In that sense, esotericism has as its main manifestations divination, palmistry, the signs of the Zodiac, the use of stones and magic, among others.

Esotericism is at odds with the Catholic faith because it not only denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, but also goes against the first commandment of the law of God: “You shall love God above all things.”

In a tweet posted on August 1 2022, Father Hayen proposes a “suggested path for a person who has been involved in esoteric activities, far from God and the Church.”

These steps are: “1. Examination of conscience and repentance, 2. Go to Confession. 3. Renounce Satan, 4. Start praying, 5. Evangelization retreat, and 6. Permanent catechesis.”

The Mexican priest also comments that “some people suggest daily Rosary and daily Mass. I say not yet. Don’t tire people out. Don’t make them run when they are not trained to walk. Slowly, I’m in a hurry.”

Father Hayen then highlights that “Sunday Mass is very important, and if it can be accompanied with daily Masses, the better.”

“You have to look at the personal situation of each person, and provide support according to their circumstances. There are more serious cases than others,” she concludes.

Originally published August 16, 2022. It has been updated for republication.

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