Exhortation of the Bishops of Venezuela: Vote to overcome the crisis

The bishops of Venezuela presented today, at the close of their 122nd Ordinary Plenary Assembly, a pastoral exhortation entitled Walk together with hopein which they delve into various issues of national interest, especially the upcoming presidential elections on July 28, which — according to what they claim — “will mark the future of the Republic.”

The document presentation It took place at the headquarters of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) in Caracas. Mons. Juan de Dios Peña, Bishop of El Vigía-San Carlos, was in charge of reading the exhortation before the media.

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Mons. Peña communicated the opinion of the prelates, who believe that the country is in “a serious situation of crisis that is hitting the people” and that the organizations that should be at the service of the people are only “politically biased.”

The Episcopate denounced the very serious situation in which basic services, education, the economy, freedom and justice are found in Venezuela. Given this reality, they pointed out that the Venezuelan people are presented with “a new opportunity” to decide the country’s path through democracy.

In addition, they called for a careful evaluation of the ability of each of the candidates to solve the country’s problems. “The vote thus assumes a vital importance in the current reality we live in: only by overcoming abstentionism and political apathy, will we be able to advance in the reconstruction of the country,” expressed the bishops.

In that sense, the Episcopate urgently asked to “recover the citizen vocation” and stated that the July 28 elections must be “a democratic party,” which does not exclude so many Venezuelans outside the country, who will vote “with the hope of returning.” to reunite with their loved ones in a homeland that opens the doors to development and happiness.”

A process without equal conditions

Despite their energetic call to vote, the bishops assured that the Venezuelan electoral process is taking place without the citizen peace that it deserves, and called on the regime to “cease the persecution and harassment” against citizens who provide material and support. logistics to opposition candidates.

In recent weeks, various small businesses and enterprises throughout the country have been closed by the fiscal body of Chavismofor the simple fact of having received Edmundo González, the main opposition candidate, during his electoral campaign.

“What has happened so far is disloyal and lacking in all political ethics,” declared the CEV.

The bishops also addressed the Armed Forces, reminding them of their duty to ensure democratic institutions and to ensure respect for the popular will. In addition, they praised the work of journalists, who with their work safeguard the dignity of the voter, and highlighted the importance of social networks in the electoral campaign.

Finally, the prelates pointed out the “unpostponable challenges” that the next government must take on, such as the re-institutionalization of the State, promoting the separation of powers and respect for human rights, in addition to reconfiguring the economy, health, basic services and fight poverty and corruption.

“The Venezuelan people are full of hope, they know that the future is in their hands and they have the tools to achieve it,” the bishops stated. And they concluded by asking for the protection of the Holy Trinity and the intercession of Our Lady of Coromoto at this time of great decisions for the country.

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