EWTN is the official channel of the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024

EWTN is the official channel of the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024

He International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 has chosen EWTNthe largest Catholic television station in the world, as its official channel, and therefore will broadcast all the details of the event live during the month of September.

The International Eucharistic Congress (IEC Quito 2024), which will take place from September 8 to 15, has as its theme “Fraternity to heal the world.”

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On Monday, May 20, the Vatican reported that Pope Francis has appointed Cardinal Joseph Farell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Life and Family, as his special envoy to the IEC.

“The 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will be held in Quito from September 8 to 15 of this year, has chosen EWTN as its official channel, which will broadcast everything related” to this great event, explained Father Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of the IEC Quito 2024, in statements to ACI Prensa from Rome.

Father Garzón traveled to Rome as part of an Ecuadorian delegationchaired by Bishop Alfredo Espinoza Mateus, Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador, “to hold a series of meetings with the main papal authorities.”

“Since the beginning of this preparation itinerary towards IEC 2024, EWTN has been present in the orientations and training of IEC 2024 communication agents,” added the priest.

“We are very sure that this Catholic means of communication, being widely disseminated as a means of evangelization, will reach many people, revitalizing their faith in the Eucharistic Christ,” Father Garzón stressed.

Preparations for IEC Quito 2024 and EWTN

To coordinate the work and EWTN transmissions of the IEC Quito 2024, a team from the television station arrived in the Ecuadorian capitalwhere he visited the Quito Metropolitan Convention Center, headquarters of the Congress.

Logo of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024. Credit: IEC Quito 2024
Logo of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024. Credit: IEC Quito 2024

From May 13 to 15, Enrique Duprat, vice president of production at EWTN in Spanish, was in the capital of Ecuador; Peter Gagnon, vice president of programming and production at EWTN; and Michael Holmes, director of production at EWTN.

Gagnon commented that EWTN broadcasts will be in Spanish, English and German. “It will be a wonderful event for those attending the event and for those who watch it,” he highlighted.

“For EWTN it is an immense joy to be the channel of the Quito 2024 International Eucharistic Congress,” said Enrique Duprat.

Regarding the work that will be carried out in September, he highlighted that “the plan is to be able to offer this International Eucharistic Congress live and direct from Quito (Ecuador) and in multiple languages, both on our television and radio signals, on the Internet and through our app. digital”.

“All this is thanks to a joint effort by the EWTN offices in the United States, EWTN Germany and the EWTN Noticias bureau in the Vatican,” highlighted the vice president of production in Spanish.

“In addition, it is essential for us to be the platform on which, no matter where our audience is, everyone can enjoy the most important Catholic events of the Church,” said Duprat.

The EWTN team also traveled the route of a procession that will take place on September 14 in the historic center of Quito, which will begin with a Mass in the Plaza de San Francisco to go to the Basilica of the National Vow, where a blessing will be made. .

They also visited the IEC offices, where they were received by Father Garzón, who presented the progress of the organization, including the schedule of the theological symposium, which will be held from September 4 to 7; and the congress, which will be from the 8th to the 15th.

The EWTN delegation also visited the so-called “Middle of the World”, the place where the equatorial line passes with the coordinate of 0 degrees, and where it is planned to hold a Liturgy of the Word with emphasis on the care of creation.

Registration for the International Eucharistic Congress, both for the symposium and for the congress itself, opened on January 31 and can be done through the event website:

What is EWTN?

EWTN is the world’s largest media organization, with 11 global channels and numerous regional channels broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week to more than 425 million homes in more than 160 countries.

EWTN’s platforms also include radio services broadcast through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and more than 600 AM and FM affiliates in the United States and around the world.

Headquartered in Washington DC (United States), EWTN News, the news division of EWTN, operates multiple services such as Catholic News Agency, the newspaper and the digital platform of The National Catholic Register, ACI Prensa in Spanish, ACI Digital in Portuguese, ACI Stampa in Italian, ACI Africa in English, French and Portuguese, ACI MENA in Arabic, CNA Deutsch in German; and ChurchPop, a digital platform that creates content in different languages.

He also produces various television programs such as EWTN News Nightly, EWTN News In Depth, EWTN Pro-Life Weekly and The World Over.

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