even human dramas become memes

In an era in which social networks seem to concentrate and amplify public discourse, Can every event become a meme?

This is what seems to be happening with the American Gypsy Rose Blanchard, recently freed from conviction for planning the murder of his motherand that today is a viral sensation.

It is difficult to measure what happened to Gypsy: her mother, Clauddine Dee Dee Blanchard, He told the world that his daughter had terrible chronic illnesses such as leukemia, asthma, muscular dystrophy and a maturation delay due to being born prematurely.

This kept the girl prostrate and permanently connected to a feeding tube and his mother totally focused on his care.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, whom her mother disguised as chronically ill. Photo: Clarín Archive.

Gypsy’s drama made Dee Dee get state and private aiddonations from people around the world and she was even invited to visit Disney World with her daughter in a wheelchair.

But Gypsy was a perfectly healthy girl. The lie had begun almost at the same time that Dee Dee had become a mother and had gone to a hospital for the first time with her newborn daughter. claiming that he suffered from sleep apneadespite the fact that no medical study confirmed the diagnosis.

Over the next few years, the woman invented countless illnesses, shaving Gypsy herself, feeding her with a tube, injecting botox into the salivary glands and attacking her when in public she denied suffering the pain that was attributed to her.

In 2015, fed up with her mother’s violence, Gypsy convinced a man he met online so that he could kill her and then escaped with him.

But a few days later they were found by the Police and was sentenced to jailalthough at trial it was shown that Dee Dee suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and received a lesser sentence.

Although Hollywood has already portrayed the story in two films and a series, most of the story could be experienced online, now that Gypsy has regained her freedom after 8 years in prison. social networks put it back in the centeralthough not in the expected way.

Only in the first 24 hours of leaving prison, the hashtag #Gypsy Rose Blanchard accumulated 1.1 billion views on TikTok: an even more popular trend than year-end wishes.

On December 29, she posted her first selfie on her IG: @gypsyrose_a_blanchardwhat It achieved a million likes in its first three hours since published and today it has more than six million “likes” and hundreds of thousands of messages of support.

Memes about Gypsy, ranging from tasteless jokes to genuine wishes that you meet your idol, Taylor Swiftflood the Internet and begin to show the same pattern that we met with another woman who was a victim of her family when she was young, Britney Spears.

We must not forget that, beyond TikTok and Instagram, Gypsy is a real womanwho stated that in prison he felt freer than living freely with his mother.

Theirs is a drama that cannot be reduced to a 15-second video, but it could be the opportunity for morbidity and the search for clicks finally find a limit.

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