Evangelization, one of the most important feats in history, says bishop

Evangelization, one of the most important feats in history, says bishop

The Bishop of Córdoba (Spain), Mons. Demetrio Fernández highlighted that evangelization “is one of the most important feats in history” during the presentation of the 10th edition of the exhibition The Domund revealedan initiative of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Spain.

“The task of evangelization that the Church of Jesus Christ has been carrying out for more than 2,000 years is one of the most important feats in history, it is clear. Here especially, in the 16th century, where Spain had a special role in bringing the faith to the New World,” the prelate explained.

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Mons. Fernández highlighted that this missionary task is in the 21st century “even greater than at that time.”

If in the 20th century, as Saint John Paul II said in Redeemer Mission“the Church had finally come to fulfill the mandate of Jesus Christ to have reached the entire world,” recalled the Spanish bishop, now it is about addressing “the task of permeating cultures, territories, people.”

To achieve this, he pointed out, “many missionaries are needed” who “God continues to raise up in multiple ways” and who number around 500,000 throughout the world, he recalled.

An “unstoppable multinational” of the Gospel

In the presentation of The Domund revealed, initiative that brings missionary reality to the streets and is celebrated every year in a different city in Spain. The Bishop of Bangasú (Central African Republic), Mons. Juan José Aguirre, was also present.

Giving as an example his presence as a Comboni missionary throughout his entire life in Africa, Bishop Fernández stated that “this mission is not words, it is not a theory, it is not a collection, it is a concrete life.”

In the case of Mons. Aguirre, he pointed out, “he has had to live through very difficult moments of personal health, he has left his entire life” in the midst of wars and confrontations. “He is a simple, but very eloquent witness of what the mission that the Church carries out throughout the world is,” he added.

This task is, added the Bishop of Córdoba, “with language that everyone understands, an unstoppable multinational of the Gospel” and a fact that must be celebrated and lived “because it also has an enormous echo among Catholics in our world.”

Activities of “The Domund Revealed” 2024

The tenth edition of The Domund revealed is carried out through a series of activities throughout the month of October which include prayer vigils, round tables where missionaries explain their experiences or youth meetings.

There will also be the traditional proclamation of the Domund, which this year will be given by Mons. Aguirre and which will take place on October 15 in the Cathedral of Córdoba.

On Friday the 18th, the Blessed Pauline Jaricot and Blessed Paolo Manna missionary awards will be presented in Madrid to Sister Milagros García López, religious worshiper, whose mission in Cape Verde involves serving women victims of prostitution and to Radio María España, on its 25th anniversary , respectively.

On Sunday, October 20, World Mission Day, two Masses will be televised, one celebrated in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Almudena in Madrid (TVE, 10:30 a.m. local time) and another in the Cathedral of Córdoba (THIRTEEN , 12:00 p.m. local time).

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