Euthanasia in Peru: Priest warns of manipulation in Ana Estrada case

Euthanasia in Peru: Priest warns of manipulation in Ana Estrada case

Father Augusto Meloni, a priest and doctor who held a high position in the World Health Organization (WHO), warned that efforts are being made to manipulate “consciences” in Peru in order to “disguise” the decision of Ana Estrada, the woman who will be able to undergo euthanasia by choosing a doctor she trusts, even though this practice is illegal in this country.

“This case is part of the whole aftermath that is being experienced in many countries, we would say, like a globalized pandemic, where the darkening of consciences occurs, which, manipulated by the so-called ‘culture of death’, do not celebrate life but rather death. And this is one more case,” he said in an interview with EWTN News January 29.

Ana Estrada is a 47-year-old Peruvian activist who suffers from polymyositis – an incurable disease that has left her in a wheelchair – and who, since 2019, has been demanding that the State be able to carry out euthanasia.

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