Encyclical Letter Brother Sol: Pope Francis asks to install an agrovoltaic plant

Through the Encyclical Letter in the form of Motu Proprio Brother Sun (Brother Sun), Pope Francis has ordered this June 26 the installation of an agrovoltaic plant for the energy support of Vatican City.

The Holy Father’s determination has the objective of favoring the transition towards a sustainable development model that reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

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In Brother Sun which follows the line of his Encyclical Laudato Si’the Holy Father specifies that “humanity has the technological means to face this environmental transformation.”

In this way, he entrusts the President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, Mons. Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, and the President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, Mons. Giordano Piccinotti, with the task of creating a plant, located within the area of Santa Maria di Galeria.

“Without the need for any authorization,” the Pontiff also appoints them extraordinary commissioners “with full capacity to carry out the necessary acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration.”

Likewise, Pope Francis orders the Secretariat of State “to facilitate all the requests of the Extraordinary Commissioners and to work to guarantee that in that territory nothing that until now has been at the disposal of the Apostolic See is lost.”

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