Elon Musk, Mercosur and meeting in Buenos Aires

In recent days, the distance between presidents Lula and Milei has become even more evident. Three facts marked the distance and even the conflict between them.

A few hours after the decision by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), ordering the blocking of X in Brazil, Milei reinforced his sympathy for Musk and his explicit support for the businessman. The Argentine president retweeted a series of messages against the judge’s measure and received praise from Musk, on the same social network.

At the same time, at a meeting of foreign ministers from Mercosur countries in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Argentine minister, Diana Mondino, defended that the bloc’s rules be made more flexible so that negotiations with other countries or blocs can be individual. Mondino’s proposal pleased the Uruguayan government of President Lacalle Pou, but was rejected by Brazil. “Mercosur has a treaty, signed by all its members, of their own free will. This treaty has bonuses and bonuses,” they told Mondino, according to sources in Brasília.

In Buenos Aires, in turn, Milei was the host of the so-called ‘Madrid Forum, Rio de la Plata’, which brought together conservative representatives from several countries, such as Santiago Abascal, from the Vox party, from Spain, and the former government chancellor Bolsonaro, Ernesto Araújo. At the event, groups of Bolsonaro supporters shouted against President Lula.

The only public fact that united the two countries in recent days was the victory of a couple – he was Brazilian and she was Argentine – at the Tango World Cup in Buenos Aires.

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