Easter 2024: Reflections of saints for this time

Easter 2024: Reflections of saints for this time

6. “Christ proved his resurrection in three ways: by sight: ‘See my hands and my feet’ (Lk 34, 39); by touch, by which he continues: touch and see, that the spirit has no flesh; for the taste: ‘But as they still did not believe him and were amazed with joy, he said to them: Do you have anything to eat here?’ (Ibid. 41)”. (Meditations for Lent, Holy Week and Easter Season)

Saint Paul VI

7. “The resurrection of Christ is not only his personal triumph, but also the beginning of our salvation and therefore of our resurrection. It is now, as liberation from the first and fatal cause of our death, which is sin, detachment from the only and true source of life, which is God (Cf. Rm 4, 25; 6, 11); It is as a pledge of our future bodily resurrection, saved as we are, in the hope that does not fail (Rom 8, 24), for the last day, for life that knows no end (I. 6, 49 and following). (March 30, 1975)

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