It is one thing to drive well and quite another thing to drive well. The first is more related to the technical capabilities of a person behind the wheel and the other refers to the responsibility of moving on public roads where other actors appear. And if there is something that reality leaves no doubt, it is that women drive better than men.
That is why a French road safety association urges men to “drive like a woman” to reduce the number of deaths in traffic accidents.
Victims & Citizensa group dedicated to supporting victims of traffic accidents in France, has launched a campaign to try to deny the stereotype that men are better drivers that the women.
To do so, it relies on data from the French National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory 2022-2023, which indicates that 84% of incidents with fatal cases are caused by men behind the wheel.
“When we look at the numbers, they are clear: to stay alive behind the wheel, the best thing men can do is adopt the same behavior as women“, says the campaign website. In 2022, according to a French government report, some 3,550 people died on the streets and routes of France.
The group also cited data showing that 88% of young drivers are killed by men, 93% of drunk drivers involved in incidents are men, and that women are eight times less likely than their male counterparts to be in an accident. deadly on the road.
“Statistically, driving like a woman means only one thing: stay alive“the group said on its website.
Statistics in Argentina
In Argentina the statistics also accompany this trend. A study developed by the National Road Safety Agency in 2022 sought to identify road behaviors and aspects of road accidents among men and women, with conclusive data.
For example, he determined that It is women who use seat belts more when driving (62.5% vs. 53.4%), and also as companions (44.5% vs. 39.1%).

Furthermore, when they are behind the wheel, children under 10 years of age travel more protected when using the child restraint system (31.2%) than when a male is driving (24.6%).
The report also highlighted that women They say they are more aware of the risk of exceeding speed than men (69% vs 60%).
While men report a greater frequency of driving exceeding the permitted speed limits than women for all types of roads: in cars 21% vs 14%, and on motorcycles 16% vs 7%, respectively.
According to alcohol consumption, for example, in cars, the percentage of positives registered is almost double in men (5% vs. 9.5%), and on motorcycles, it is almost three times higher (8.5%). % vs. 21.8%).
According to the agency, in all of 2023, 4,369 fatalities were recorded on streets, avenues and routes in Argentina, of which 75% were men.