Donations to St. Peter’s Pence for charity increased in 2023

Donations to St. Peter’s Pence for charity increased in 2023

The Saint Peter’s Pence, the collection intended to receive donations for the various initiatives of the Catholic Church in favor of those most in need in the world, experienced a notable increase in its income in 2023.

This 2024, the collection will be held on Sunday, June 29 in all churches.

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According to the annual report on the Saint Peter’s Pencein 2023 total revenue amounted to 52 million euros (more than 55 million dollars), significantly exceeding the 48.4 million of the previous year (about 52 million dollars).

Sources of donations

In 2023, donations came primarily from dioceses (64.4%) and private donors (4.4%), totaling 68.8% of the total. In addition, foundations contributed 28.8% and religious orders 2.4%.

These offerings were distributed geographically as follows: the United States was the main benefactor with 28.1%, Italy with 6.4%, Brazil with 3.9%, and Germany and Korea with 2.7% each.

Donations were received through three different channels. First of all, thanks to the collection in churches around the world on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Saint Paul, which this year is June 29.

The other ways in which donations were made were through direct offers, that is, donations made through bank and postal accounts, checks, credit cards and PayPal through the official website. And finally, from inheritances, that is, when the donor expresses his desire to allocate part of his legacy.

Where did the donations go?

The Pence of Saint Peter allocated 103 million euros (approximately $110 million) in contributions to support the Pope’s apostolic mission and direct assistance projects to those in need. Of these, 90 million euros were allocated to activities of the Holy See and 13 million euros to 236 direct assistance projects in 76 countries.

These projects helped the well-being of families, dioceses, parishes and religious institutes in difficulty, as well as migrants, refugees, and communities affected by conflict, hunger and natural disasters. Europe received the largest share of these funds, followed by Africa and America.

In the European context, half a million euros were allocated for educational scholarships aimed at priests, seminarians and religious from Africa, Latin America and Asia, allowing them to carry out studies at pontifical universities. In addition, less than one million euros was allocated to support various pastoral and social initiatives in war-affected Ukraine.

The funds also supported the Pope’s apostolic mission, financing 24% of the expenses of the Vatican’s 68 dicasteries and entities. This included support for local Churches in difficulty, evangelization, dissemination of the message and apostolic nunciatures, among others.

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