Documentary released for the 60 years of the constitution of Sacrosanctum Concilium

Documentary released for the 60 years of the constitution of Sacrosanctum Concilium

In its 16 minutes of duration, the video collects “the most relevant moments of these sixty years” and the testimonies of the Colombian priests, PhDs in Liturgy, Tadeo Albarracín Montañez and Juan David Muriel Mejía.

Father Albarracín, of the Archdiocese of Bogotá, remembers how the Eucharistic liturgy was celebrated during the four centuries of the Reformation of the Council of Trent – carried out between 1545 and 1563 -, and from which the promulgated Roman Missal was born by Saint Pius V in 1570.

Then, on December 4, 1963, Pope Saint Paul VI promulgated the conciliar constitution The Holy Councilamong whose main renovations is the use of vernacular languages ​​in the liturgy, the celebration of the Eucharist facing the people and the more active participation of the laity in the rites.

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