Do you have a fragile personality? Keys to recognize its characteristics

Do you have a fragile personality? Keys to recognize its characteristics

Personality is called the set of unique characteristics of an individual who defines how he thinks, feels, behaves and influences the way of interacting with others and to perceive the world and that throughout life remain relatively stable.

When these peculiarities become inflexible, they cause discomfort, they hinder daily life and deviate significantly, then suffer what is called a personality disorder, which which can interfere with your well -being and personal ties.

When a delicate object is transferred, a label is usually placed with the word “fragile” to warn that they are sensitive to blows. With some people something similar happens: They are fragile and should not receive any blowwhether real or figurative, since they can be easily disarmed or break.

Main characteristics of fragile people

1) Inability to understand and manage emotionslike sadness, anger, disappointment, with often very exaggerated reactions.

2) Intense Sensation of overwhelming with simple problemsdisagreements or any fact that was not expected or desired.

3) Inability to withstand frustration.

4) feeling that every situation exceeds it.

5) Constant concerns.

6) Be very vulnerable to third -party criticism together with a marked negative self -criticism.

7) try to avoid conflicts over Fear of confrontationfor which they are isolated.

8) react with marked intensity to changes.

9) Frequent vacuum sensation.

10) Frequent problems in their social relations.

11) Little energy levelwith frequent apathy and sadness.

Fragile people have little energy level. / Photo Shuttersock.

The ability to develop and process the experiences of life includes intrapsychic skills that develop from early childhood.

Children learn to face these experiences with the support of comprehensive adults that allows them to incorporate their own ability to understand and assimilate their knowledge in a tolerant and progressive way. When this matrix has developed, future capabilities usually develop naturally.

If those who exercise paternity live overwhelmed or concerned about their own needs, they may not have the ability to demonstrate much empathy towards their children’s skills.

Those children who did not receive that comprehensive attitude towards their learning by adults, are likely to develop other abilities to face their future experiences in various life situations.

And, even more, everything that was not understood usually feels as unreal or out of your control.

It is then that instead of learning to process their personal reactions in various situations, Children begin to suppress their experiences or act accordingly without understanding your motivations.

Over time, These children are likely to develop a fragile personality.

The treatment is feasible and requires combining psychotherapy and psychotropic, after a psychiatric or psychological evaluation to adapt the treatment to the needs of each person.

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