The diocese of Saltillo, located in the Mexican state of Coahuila, alerted the Catholic faithful about the hacking of instant messaging accounts WhatsApp from several priests and Bishop Emeritus, Mons. José Raúl Vera López, used to ask for money in the name of the Church and thus scam people.
The Diocese Communication Office informed ACI Prensa that, this week the fraudulent use of the telephone numbers of two priests and the Emeritus bishop was reported.
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The modus operandi consists of sending messages to all contacts, saying that they have an urgent payment to make and that their mobile application is blocked. They assure that, once the problem is solved, they will reimburse the money. The Diocesan office also indicated that at least a couple of people were victims of fraud.
Although the hacking of accounts of up to four priests had previously registered in the last four years, this week the diocese stressed that there were three cases in a week.
In addition, they reported that the priests have already made the corresponding complaint before the local cyber police, and the official complaint by the Diocese of Saltillo is being managed.
In its statement, The diocese stressed the importance of verifying that the “offerings through a bank deposit are made only to official accounts of the parishes.”
“We must bear in mind that priests, religious, ministers or laity who collaborate in the Diocesan Church do not ask for money through text messages,” said the statement, while recommending to the faithful that, in case of doubts, they personally go to parish offices to consult how they can help.
The diocese concluded urging everyone to take care of each other and continue collaborating with the Church through traditional forms. “