Dictatorship in Nicaragua closed 2023 with 2 bishops and 15 priests kidnapped

Dictatorship in Nicaragua closed 2023 with 2 bishops and 15 priests kidnapped

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, his wife and vice president of Nicaragua, closed 2023 with two bishops, 15 priests and two seminarians kidnapped. The last of these kidnappings took place on December 31.

This is revealed by a report by the Nicaraguan lawyer and researcher Martha Patricia Molina, author of the research as well Nicaragua: A persecuted Church?which compiles the attacks of the Ortega and Murillo regime against the Catholic Church since 2018.

On December 31, Molina indicates, Father Gustavo Sandino Ochoa, parish priest of the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish in Santa María de Pantasma, in the Diocese of Jinotega, “was kidnapped by police and paramilitaries.” The priest, added the researcher exiled in the United States, “suffers from multiple illnesses.”

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