Marisol Carrasco, a young Panamanian Catholic singer-songwriter, shares some of her story and her taste for music, with which she evangelizes many in Latin America; and tells why one of his biggest hits, the song “Destrúyeme”, is called that.
“This song is inspired by the phrase of a Colombian saint, Santa Laura Montoya. She says ‘destroy me and on my ruins build a monument to your glory,’” he explains. Marisol in an interview with EWTN News, also remembering that he was able to visit the saint’s sanctuary on a visit to Medellín.
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Saint Laura Montoya, known as Mother Laura, is the first saint of Colombia. He consecrated himself to Christ through service to the indigenous populations of his country and his greatest inspiration was Saint Catherine of Siena. Pope Francis canonized her on May 12, 2013.
Faced with a phrase like that of the saint, he continues Marisol“you could say that it is strong to ask God to destroy you. It could be something negative. However, we do need to die to ourselves day by day in service, in daily life so that God can build on those remains.”
“God still uses what we already are to be able to build his work. And I think it is something very important to reflect on all this that we have experienced in these processes that the Church has had in recent times. And, of course, for the Jubilee (of 2025) in which He makes all things new in the Holy Spirit.”
His vocation to the apostolate with Catholic music
Speaking about his mission of evangelization with music, Marisol highlights that “it can be said that God has chosen me. “I have always been very musical, very artistic since I was little.”
“After having encountered God, after a process in my adolescence at the age of 14, I began to write, to be inspired, to write songs for God, for Him and for the community, for the Church,” he adds.
After commenting that she is inspired by her experiences of faith and by reading and meditating on the lives of saints, testimonies of people and reading the Bible, the Panamanian singer-songwriter comments on the joy that fills her when she sees the reception of her songs. .
“It is truly a fortune, it is a gift to be able to see what we do, how it is received and how it has an impact and change in the lives of people of all ages. And that is precisely the driving force, what makes me want to continue writing,” he highlighted.
Marisol Carrasco is in Peru, where on November 23, from 5:00 pm she will sing in a concert with Los Ascoy in the Santuario Carmen de la Legua parish in Callao, at the intersection of the former Av. Colonial and Elmer Faucett; to celebrate 25 years of production Let’s sing to the Love of Loves. Admission is free.